antiscumitic ‧ an·ti-Scum·it·ic | [an-tē-skum-ˈmə-tik], adjective;...
If Iran nukes Israel, the Palestinians perish in the fallout... KARMA IS A BITCH
antiscumitic ‧ an·ti-Scu·mit·ic | [an-tē-skum-ˈmə-tik], adjective; generally, a person who does not like chosen parasites, feeling or showing hostility toward international bankers, holy chosen nation robbers, or discrimination against pederasts, pornographers, or other hook-nosed rat-like creatures from East of the Sinai Peninsula.
Alex Jones’ Infowars has been a CIA Zionist operation from the beginning and gained popularity by releasing partial truths to get a controlled opposition to use for propaganda tools and a following of Trump supporters . . . Jones was supplied with a lot of truth by the CIA, it had allowed his channel to grow to a nearly mainstream level until the planned demolition would discredit future criticism of how the governments of the West operated and waged wars.
Conflicting views on any subject are key to completion of an agenda or a form of protection, this goes for everything we witness in the media or alternative media . . . In simple terms, it is safe to tell the truth and add a lie, as it gives others the power to discredit you. Channels like Infowars were providing the propaganda for this clash.
Antifa was making waves in America, they, together with the SJW culture and the mainstream media fighting with the “alt right” and Trump supporters was supposed to bring in new gun and protest laws. This was Antifa’s task in America and the combatants on both sides do not understand it, they are just busy playing their part by eating up the bullshit they have been fed.
Nothing illustrates this better than the anti-Israel protests on university campuses across the United States and in parts of Europe…
Palestinians are the same ethnic group as the Israelites, they behave in the same way, it's in their DNA . . . If the Palestinians had attacked Israeli military targets on Oct. 7, 2023 and took their land back, which, I do agree was stolen from them, instead of squandering their opportunity with trivial sexual assaults on women, murdering children, petty theft, and vandalism, we might have a different outcome than what we have now.
Hamas was either totally incompetent and squandered their opportunity, or they were complicit; the six-hour delay in a response to the Oct. 7 attack by the Israeli government, on the surface, also shows incompetence . . . but it was the Israeli government who helped create Hamas as a buffer against the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) in the first place.
For the most part, Muslims are only doing what the Israelites have taught them for the last 3000 years . . . it is in their scriptures . . .
“You shall put all of the males to the sword. You may, however, take as your booty the women, the children and the livestock, and everything in the town – all of its spoil – and enjoy the use of the spoil of your enemy which the Lord gives unto you.” — Deuteronomy 20:13
Two groups of assholes calling each other fascists and nazis would be an almost hysterically hilarious spectacle for a European national socialist, if it wasn’t for the idea that they both wish to draw Europeans into the conflict, and the fact that both are invasive, racially hostile foreign ideologies.
Judeo-messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only reinforced the old Jewish narrative. They are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond peoples, races, cultures) and which are the daily sustenance of our schools, in our media, in our popular culture, at our universities, and on our streets, have ended up reducing our bio-symbolic identity and ethnic pride to their minimal expression.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are death cults originating in the Middle East and totally alien to Europe and its peoples.
If British Prime Minister Kier Starmer wants to arrest terrorist Benjamin Netanyahu because of the International Criminal Court’s so-called warrant, he should also arrest his Israeli terrorist friend Volodymyr Zelensky with him, Zelensky is not a Ukrainian, he’s an Israelite.

Pardon my French . . . Kier Starmer is married to an Israeli spy, just like Kamala Harris is . . .
The last article described the ascendancy of the Rothschilds and the Anglo-Jewish elite, their intercession efforts for Jews worldwide, their support for the Ottoman Empire and condemnation of Russia, and the profligacy of their friend Edward VII. Here we will examine the relationship between debt, warmongering and Judeophilia exhibited by three politicians of consequence, Disraeli, Randolph Churchill and Winston Churchill, whose collective legacy was to establish ‘one nation’ thinking as the default mode of the Conservative Party . . .
“. . . Implicitly the argument was that every criminal, beggar and invalid (and everyone else) should be free to move to Britain else the richest family in the world feared being expelled (by a government composed of their dinner guests). Nathaniel’s son Walter informed Britain that it “should be the refuge for the oppressed and unjustly ill-treated people of other nations so long as they were decent and hard-working.” A similar bill was passed in 1905, and Nathaniel cursed it as “‘a loathsome system of police interference and espionage, of passports and arbitrary power.’ … Nevertheless, he opposed petitioning for its repeal … on the ground that a renewed debate might lead to a tightening of the rules; instead, he pinned his hopes on persuading governments to apply it leniently.”
Antifa was partially successful in Europe by bashing and scaring the common person from protesting against illegal immigration, because the only people who protested were portrayed as nationalistic soccer hooligans with shaved heads, it was psychological and economic warfare . . . Governments in Europe have to take in a quota of refugees otherwise they are fined by the EUSSR.
This is the Kalergi Plan in action and to make matters worse governments must take more loans to provide for the refugees which means more debt slavery.
Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite . . .
“. . . the WEF isn’t alone in the interest of Ukraine. The globalist Atlantic Council, for example, recognized the potential for “innovation” shortly after Zelensky’s inauguration and mentioned an app that can operate door intercom systems by cell phone, as well as the blockchain company Bitfury. The Atlantic Council praised the developments as positive and mentioned a number of other IT companies in Ukraine. At a networking meeting, Schwab’s “young world leaders,” Justin Trudeau and Zelenski, discussed how to deepen such “innovations further.” Davos also has its own “Ukraine House,” which is regularly available for “networking” during WEF meetings.”
Take into account Antifa was funded by George Soros who also funded organizations that helped refugees enter Europe by providing maps and information on closed borders, and what to say to immigration police.
Notice how Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky suspended elections in Ukraine . . . if he wasn’t being protected by the British SAS and funded by the global Zionist banking cartels, he would have been dead months ago.
We are supposed to believe Ukraine is a democratic country, whose popular president was elected, in a free and fair election, and Ukraine was completely justified committing terrorist attacks targeting Russian civilians because Russians have been deemed to be fascist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, antisemitic, holocaust deniers by Jewish terrorists and the kike-sucking Zionist ass-whores of the North Atlantic Transgender Organization.
The NSADAP started the Brownshirts in the 1920’s to fight Antifa . . . and looking at this new manifestation of the Frankfurt School in action, it should be no wonder to anyone why the German Students’ Union burned all those books in 1933…
Erstwhile Muslims Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), have every right to say what they like about Israel and the genocide of Palestinians as elected members of the US House of Representatives; they never took an oath to serve Israel . . . or did they?
Former US lawmaker Cynthia McKinney (D-TX) said every candidate for Congress has to sign a pledge to support Israel:
The hypocritical lofty principles of U.S. House Resolution 845 to censure Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) for supposedly promoting false narratives should be applied across the whole of the United States Congress, especially with the false narratives about Russia and Ukraine, which could endanger the entire planet with a thermonuclear war . . . Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative and is being protected by the British SAS.
Likewise, Ilhan Omar (D-MN) being called to the carpet (or prayer rug) for intimating she represented Somali interests’ kind of rings hollow when the rest of Congress represents Israeli interests and the security of every other border on the planet but those of the United States . . .
The hasbara kvetching over Pam Bondi replacing former Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz as Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general is comical . . . and I’m paraphrasing . . .
‘Pam Bondi, president-elect Donald Trump’s new nominee to lead the Justice Department, has touted her pro-Israel credentials and supposedly called out antisemitism on the left. She has said less, at least in public, about threats to Jews from the right’.
Gaetz withdrew himself from consideration Nov. 21, amid controversy over reports that he had sexual relations with a minor, he used illegal drugs, among other allegations concerning his refusal to support a bill that would require the soon to be defunct Department of Education to codify the inane International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism.
Joe Biden’s Department of Justice closed a sex trafficking investigation into Gaetz without charges last year, . . . and out of all those men flying down there down there to Epstein’s Island on the Lolita Express, Biden’s Justice Department has one woman in jail.
Published 6:05 PM EDT, Mon July 1, 2024 . . .
Fort Lauderdale, Florida (AP) — Florida prosecutors heard graphic testimony about how the late millionaire and financier Jeffrey Epstein sexually assaulted teenage girls two years before they cut a plea deal, according to transcripts released Monday of the 2006 grand jury investigation.
The transcripts were at the center of a court battle for about a decade after media investigations into Epstein’s ties to the rich and the powerful seems to have allowed him to continue to rape and sex traffic teenagers without ever being sent to prison or serving a serious jail term.
“I know that there are Jews in the English colonies. These Marranos go wherever there is money to be made... But whether these circumcised men who sell old clothes pretend to be of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, quite simply, the greatest scoundrels who have ever soiled the face of the earth.” — François-Marie Voltaire
Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .
❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”
This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”
That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞
Peace is a dirty word She used to be a painted bird yeah War she's a whore You know we love her more and more You know we love her more and more Peace is a dirty word She used to be a painted bird yeah War she's a whore You know we love her more and more You know we love her more and more B52 baby way up in the sky Come drop your lovin' on me child B52 baby way up in the sky Drop your love on me Poor man sad man you should be a glad man Stand up for your rights peace talkin' about peace Good dog bad dog roll over and play dead Do it again baby peace dog yeah B52 baby way up in the sky Come drop your lovin' on me child B52 baby way up in the sky Drop your love on me B52 baby way up in the sky Come drop your lovin' on me child B52 baby way up in the sky Drop your love on me - PEACE DOG by The Cult (Ian Astbury/Billy Duffy) 1986
I am happy that Alex Jones finally is shown for the ass that he is.
Somehow I wonder why the zogs shut him down.
Oh well I be he has plenty of money in some overseas account to see him through.
Great post. I have been aware of the Jewish problem for some years now. I met and shook the hand of Cynthia McKinney in gratitude at the Red Pill Expo in Jekyll Island where she was a presenter.
I still find that even today few people will discuss Jews and their guide book, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Most gentiles are alethophobes; fear of being labeled "antisemitic" is among the greatest fears in the dumbed-down, politically-correct society we have today.
Simply questioning the Holocaust is considered antisemitic, punishable with jail time in most European countries and in Israel. And there is an Antisemitism Awareness Act, HR6090, that has passed the House of Representatives and would appear to have solid support from President Trump. No doubt Pam Bondi would put enforcement of this bill on the top of her agenda.
Free speech is in danger of being lost here in the US. Even worse, most already self-censor, afraid to discuss the most important topics of the day.
Germar Rudolph has done a deep dive into the voracity of the Holocaust narrative. Here he is interviewed by Stew Peters.