The evangelical, conservative, alt-right, erstwhile Christian nationalists, and RINOs who like to portray themselves as such, are just as clueless and narcissistic in their pathetic postmortems of the American election as the retarded commie libs they claim to oppose.
While the ink on some of the ballots hadn’t even dried yet, the minions of the Grift Right were already working to hijack the agenda of the incoming Trump administration, just like they did the first time.
The only ones who benefitted from Republican control of Congress was the Democrats, because Republicans also fought tooth and nail to keep the border invasion flowing smoothly, and let the Democrats run the hearings and special council investigations in the first two years of Trump’s first term. That continued after the midterms and after the stolen election in 2020.
Despite all the baseless lawsuits, malicious, false prosecutions, and outright slander reminiscent of the old Jewish Politburo in the Soviet Union, the crushing reality was starting sink in for these myopic Zionist ass-whores: they discovered nobody was going to fight a war for them, and nobody was going to fight a war for Joe Biden, he is dumber than George W. Bush.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came running to the rescue when senile Joe Biden announced he was dropping out of the presidential race. In a speech before a joint session of Congress on July 25, 2024, Netanyahu stated:
“President Biden and I have known each other for over forty years. I want to thank him for half a century of friendship to Israel and for being, as he says, a proud Zionist.” ― Benjamin Netanyahu
Republicans and Democrats alike barked and clapped like trained seals.
When Alexander Dugin and his daughter, Darya, civilians, deliberately targeted with a car bomb by the Jewish terrorist regime in Ukraine, headed by Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky; we were supposed to believe Ukraine is a democratic country, whose popular president was elected, in a free and fair election, and Ukraine was completely justified committing terrorist attacks targeting Russian civilians because Russians have been deemed to be fascist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, antisemitic, holocaust deniers by Jewish terrorists and the kike-sucking Zionist ass-whores of the North Atlantic Transgender Organization.
Zelenski and his Jewish co-conspirators in Israel, the USA, and the UK started the war in Ukraine, organized terrorist attacks against Russian civilians, and somehow the USA is obligated to negotiate with this Jewish terrorist instead of demanding elections in Ukraine?
Meet Mjölnir, the Hammer of Thor…
. . . If he wasn’t being protected by the British SAS and funded by the global Zionist banking cartels, Zelensky would have been dead months ago, and like his best buddy Netanyahu, he couldn’t wait to insert himself into the American election, joining the Jewish filth Josh Shapiro, governor of Pennsylvania, actually putting their signatures on US made bombs.
Security consultants at the Soufan Group are a just a small fraction of deep state operations permeating Western governments, who often drift in and out of the revolving door between for-profit corporate and ‘non-profit’ tax-exempt corporate boardrooms, government agencies, subverting elections, propping up puppet leaders all over the world, promoting socially subversive practices like transgenders and homosexuals . . . go to the link . . . Soufan Group . . . and read their bios . . . see for yourself.
Real Queer Politics . . . Enter Richard Grenell . . .
. . . founded Capitol Media Partners, an international strategic media and public affairs consultancy . . . worked for Mitt Romney as a spokesperson (on foreign policy) during his failed 2012 presidential campaign, under contract as a Fox News contributor, writer for The RINO Street Urinal, CNN, See BS News, Pedophilitico, Washington Times, Huffington Post, and Al Jazeera.
First Openly Gay Secretary of State? . . . No thanks.
“If you want to avoid war, you better have a son of a bitch as the secretary of state,” Grenell told the “Self Centered” podcast earlier this year. America needs a “tough” chief diplomat, he added, “who goes in to these tables and says: ‘Guys, if we don’t solve this here, if we don’t represent peace and figure out a tough way, I’ve got to take this file, go back to the United States and transfer it to the secretary of defense, who doesn’t negotiate. He’s going to bomb you.’”
This is the guy Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-NC) floated (like a turd in the punchbowl) for US Secretary of State?
Sean Trannity (sic) recently had Megan McCain as a guest on his show, to discuss her time on another show, The View . . . but why? Because we are supposed to believe Megan was the lone, brave conservative standing up for truth, justice and the American way? . . . That is the same Megan McCain who roasted Republican Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake after a projected loss in the US Senate . . .
I always wondered just what is heroic about bombing women and children hiding in grass huts, and then getting shot down and captured? Enquiring minds would like to know.
Megan’s mother Cindy McCain was friends with Hashim Thaci, the so-called 'president' of Kosovo, who was on trial for war crimes, drug smuggling and human trafficking . . . Nice company the McCain's keep, eh? Everywhere John McCaine went: Libya, Syria, Ukraine; death and destruction followed.
Old Hoover Bags . . . Enter Victor Davis Hanson . . .
Impressive resume . . . commentator for The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, National Review, The Washington Times, and other media outlets, professor emeritus of classics at California State University, Fresno, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.
The Hoover Institution has provided work for people who previously had important government jobs . . . Henry Kissinger, Newt Gingrich, James Mattis, and Condoleezza Rice, etc., it is another revolving door between for-profit corporate and ‘non-profit’ tax-exempt corporate boardrooms, and government agencies.
These ‘think tanks’ is where rhetorical tools are dreamed up for consumption by the brainwashed general public in the state-controlled media. I find it highly suspect that these mavens of supposed conservative thought who wax philosophically about the ‘virtues of capitalism’ and conservative ideals get their paychecks from government schools, the corporate welfare of the news media and defense industries . . . none of them really give a flying fuck about censorship, they only care about who has the power to do it.
‘Identity politics’ is a cardinal sin to these people, unless you have ‘visions of the anointed’ from the pre-approved, aforementioned types of quasi-private institutions, anything you say will be filtered out of the state-controlled media and replaced with their preferred nomenclatures which lead you away from the obvious truth . . . Ethnic nationalism is always bad, unless it is Israel.
“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” “wokery,” etc., are deceptive nomenclatures employed for concealing the facts about the Jews and the Frankfurt School.
We are supposed to blindly accept parameters of dialogue and the provided terminologies such as stochastic terrorism, which I have seen used frequently. The word stochastic, in everyday language, means “random.” Terrorism, here, supposedly refers to “violence motivated by ideology,” or you guessed it, white men.
The anti-Nordic homosexual lobby is often described as being “Cultural Marxist”, but what is Cultural Marxism? Where did it come from, and what are its goals?
“The Frankfurt School adapted Karl Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western (white) men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.
Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.”
Whether it is Victor Davis Hanson or Sean Hannity in their masturbatory fever pitches about killing Russians, traitorous old war criminals like James Mattis and John Brennan, or the past actions of genocidal dead Jews such as Madeline Albright and Henry Kissinger, you can be sure none of them are really on your side, it matters not what college you went to . . . the insurmountable interest on your student loans make them a fortune.
What has NATO done to defend Europe or Europeans?
Absolutely nothing.
NATO is actually facilitating the invasion of Europe, and by their own stated objectives on their website; NATO is an organization dedicated to the total eradication of native European peoples and their cultures.
NATO - an anti-white and anti-family institution . . . See for yourself my English translation of the Swedish Nordfront article, the links are from NATO’s own website . . .
And now NATO wants white European men to leave their homes to go fight a war for the Jewish military junta in Ukraine and fight more Middle Eastern wars for Israel while our own countries are being invaded by racial foreigners?
“Looked at from this point of view the apparent insanity of our government's foreign policy is revealed as a piece of shrewd calculating logic, put into effect in order to promote the Jewish idea of a struggle for world-mastery.” ― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
I’m not so much of a ‘white nationalist’ (whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean these days), I am university educated, a Nordic Pagan, a 6’8” half-drunk Viking looking biker with ϟϟ tattooed on his neck, and a trust fund kid.
I don’t need the money, and I never ask for it . . . This is another installment on what will be a continuing series that started here . . .
Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .
❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”
This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”
That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞
Americans Have Invaded Kursk inside Russia
Posted Aug 21, 2024 by Martin Armstrong
Last June, Biden lifted the ban on American contractors sending mercenaries into Ukraine. When he lifted the ban on American weapons, allowing them to be deployed inside Russia, this was another step that de facto allowed these private American military operations to invade Russia pretending it is not the official United States. I have warned that the Neocons are scared to death of Trump, and if RFK joins Trump as the Attorney General, as I have been arguing behind the curtain, they are desperate to start World War III before the election.
Sources are reporting that Stephanie Holmes, the US Chargé d’Affaires in Russia, was summoned to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to explain why Americans have invaded Russia with the invasion of the Ukrainian Army into the Kursk region. By 2008, the US Department of Defense employed 155,826 private contractors in Iraq — and 152,275 troops. This degree of privatization is unprecedented in modern warfare. The Neocons used Biden to circumvent Congress to create World War III, deploying private armies to negate Congressional approval.
Indeed, Russia has an opportunity to now annihilate the entire invading force, including Americans, by deploying a small tactical nuclear weapon inside its own borders. Nobody can say anything about that, and Russia would be within its right to do so just as if Chinese, Russian, or North Korean private military invaded the United States.
September has been a significant target on our computer all year for civil unrest and international war. Gold’s performance appears linked to this action, whereas silver and platinum have not responded. While gold may peak by next week, September remains a major Panic Cycle in many markets, including gold. Russia is certainly within its right to use whatever means necessary to eradicate this invading force. If it does not respond on its own territory, then it would only invite a full-scale NATO invasion.
These Neocons are traitors to the United States and the future of our nation, all for their personal hatred of Russians.
The Occidental Observer . . .
Jewish Loot and Neglected Fruit: How the Mainstream Right Serves Jews and Betrays Whites
March 25, 2022/35 Comments/in British Politics, Featured Articles/by Tobias Langdon
“Low-hanging fruit!” cry deluded right-wingers all over the West. “Why doesn’t my favored party on the mainstream right pluck that fruit and defeat the left?” Well, they’ve been crying that for decades and will still be crying it when the left pack them off to a slave-labor camp or an organic gas-chamber. Some of those right-wingers are too stupid to see the truth; some are too frightened to admit it. Their favored party on the mainstream right doesn’t pluck the low-hanging fruit because it doesn’t want to defeat the left. And it doesn’t want to defeat the left because it is the left. That is, it’s financed and controlled by Jews who support the left and its anti-White, anti-Christian, anti-Western agenda.
The lies and delusions of perverts
Take the question of transgenderism. In 2021 Boris Johnson, British prime minister and leader of the so-called Conservative party, was presented with some low-hanging fruit — ripe, delicious, and trembling on its stalk. Johnson was asked to affirm that “only women have a cervix” after his supposed opponent, the Labour leader Keir Starmer, had said that this simple statement of biological fact was “transphobic.” According to Starmer, “it is not right” and “should not be said.”
The Goy Grovel: Sajid Javid, Priti Patel and Boris Johnson betraying Whites and serving Jews
If Johnson had wanted to stand up for “conservative values,” defeat the left, and rally millions of ordinary Whites to his party, he would have said that, yes, of course only women have a cervix and that the Labour party are pandering to the lies and delusions of perverted and mentally ill men. But Johnson didn’t say that. He’s a cuckservative and he cucked. If he’d spoken the truth about transgenderism, he would have pleased ordinary Whites. But he would have angered Jews. As Kenneth Vinther pointed out in his review of Scott Howard’s The Transgender-Industrial Complex (2020) at Counter Currents, transgenderism is a thoroughly kosher campaign: “at the top of the [transgender] pyramid rests a series of charming Jewish billionaires like George Soros, Paul Singer, Dan Loeb, Seth Klarman, Jennifer Pritzker, David Gelbaum, Andrew Shechtel, Sheldon Adelson, Loren Schecter, Martine Rothblatt, David T. Rubin, and Mark Hyman, to name a few.”
Take the fight to Labour!
Now take the question of racism. A typically deluded right-winger called Patrick O’Flynn has recently complained in the cuckservative Spectator about “renewed lurches into race-baiting by Labour.” He condemns Labour for demanding “a posthumous royal pardon of those who took part in an anti-slavery uprising in Guyana in 1823” and for blaming “health inequalities” and the poverty of Black-headed households on racism.
O’Flynn rightly says that all this inflated anti-racist rhetoric “will be hated” by the working-class White voters who have switched allegiance from Labour to the Conservatives. Labour’s claims “ought to be meat and drink to a competent Conservative party.” After all, he says, a “cabinet in which the Home Secretary, Chancellor, Health Secretary, Education Secretary, Business Secretary and several others are from non-white backgrounds should be taking the fight to Labour about its unfair characterisation of modern Britain.”
“Anti-racist” means “anti-white”
O’Flynn points out the obvious: “Now would be the perfect time for some of these ministers to step forward and make the case that Britain is one of the least racist countries in the world and a place that should be aspiring to a post-racial politics rather than buying into Labour’s relentless grievance-mongering.” But alas, none of those non-White ministers has stepped forward to defend Britain, so O’Flynn concludes his article on a puzzled and despondent note. Despite the low-hanging fruit waiting to plucked by the multi-hued hands of that admirably vibrant cabinet, Labour’s racial rhetoric has “gone pretty much unanswered.” O’Flynn can’t bring himself to admit the truth, you see. The Tories don’t want to defeat the left’s rhetoric on racism, let alone attack the anti-White ideology central to the concept of racism.
That’s because the Tories accept the anti-White ideology themselves and proudly proclaim themselves to be an anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-homophobic party. As the Jewish Conservative Tom Tugendhat has said: “Anti-Semitism sits alongside racism, anti-Islam, homophobia, and sexism as a cretinous and divisive belief that has no place in our public life and particularly not in government.” O’Flynn doesn’t mention at the Spectator that the Pakistani Muslim Sajid Javid, one of those non-White ministers in the Tory government, did indeed recently “step forward” in response to leftist hysteria about racism. In fact, he stepped forward not once but twice. And what did Sajid Javid do after he stepped forward? He heartily agreed with the left, first about the need to stamp out racism by White sportsmen and second about the need to punish a White comedian called Jimmy Carr for a good joke about Gypsies: “When people talk about the Holocaust they talk about the tragedy of six million lives being lost to the Nazi war machine, but they never mention the thousands of Gypsies killed by the Nazis, because no one wants to talk about the positives.”
Diligently kissing Jewish backsides
In between those two anti-White interventions, Sajid Javid found time in his busy schedule to extend “early Chanukah greetings” to Britain’s tiny but very powerful Jewish community. Javid knows which side his bagel is buttered. He wants to be prime minister and that’s why he has been diligently kissing Jewish backsides ever since he entered politics. Being anti-White is part of being pro-Jewish. The same is true of Priti Patel, the high-testosterone Indian Hindu fem-pol who was fired as a minister by Theresa May for having secret meetings with Israeli officials under the supervision of the little-known but very powerful Jew Stuart Polak, a former chairman of Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI). Theresa May didn’t object to Patel being a shabbos-shiksa, agent of Israel and cringing step’n’fetchit for Britain’s Jews. After all, May was all those things herself. No, she objected to Patel being a clumsy shabbos-shiksa and bringing Jewish control of British politics to public attention. But Patel didn’t spend long out of high office. When the part-Jewish Boris Johnson became prime minister, he appointed Patel Home Secretary and she’s now overseeing a harshening of Britain’s already draconian laws against “hate speech.”
She’s also been revealed as an obnoxious bully of her White staff. That’s poetic justice, because White officials at the Home Office are heavily leftist and have been imposing ethnic enrichment on ordinary Whites for many years. Now they’ve experienced for themselves a little — very little — of the misery inflicted by non-Whites. All the same, if rules on ministerial conduct had been followed, Patel would have been fired for the second time. But obnoxious behavior towards Whites doesn’t count. Patel performs the goy-grovel before Jews and that does count. She’s still in her post, still obeying Jewish orders, and still declining to “step forward” and defend Britain from the left’s anti-racist (and anti-White) hysteria. Rishi Sunak, the Indian Hindu Chancellor in the Tory cabinet, has also declined to step forward and bat for Britain. He’s much more intelligent than Patel, which isn’t difficult to be, and he’s a former employee of Goldman Sachs, which is exactly what you would expect him to be (Richard Sharp, his Jewish overseer at Goldman Sachs, became “the BBC’s third Jewish chairman” in 2021).
The logic of looting
At least, Sunak’s earlier work for Goldman Sachs is exactly what we haters at the Occidental Observer would expect. Sunak has been placed at the top of British politics to serve Jewish interests, not the interests of Whites. But his work for the great “vampire squid” went unremarked in another of Patrick O’Flynn’s deluded articles at the Spectator. O’Flynn was complaining that Sunak hasn’t plucked yet more low-hanging fruit. The policies Sunak is pursuing don’t help the former Labour-supporting Whites who switched to the Conservatives. Their hard work isn’t being rewarded and Sunak is deliberately pushing them down the social scale. As O’Flynn says:
Think about how this must feel to workers on roughly median earnings. Two decades ago they earned two-and-a-half times as much as minimum wage workers. Now they earn less than twice as much. By 2024, Sunak has decreed that minimum wage workers in entry level roles will be earning two-thirds of the amount that median earners do. This will represent a massive compression of wages within a single generation.
For those working people who put in a lot of effort in their schooldays compared to their more idle classmates, or who perhaps underwent apprenticeships on very low earnings at the start of their careers, this is highly unlikely to feel like progress. … Sunak has no parallel policy of ensuring that median earnings catch up as a proportion of the top 10 or 1 per cent of earners. In other words, his approach defies logic. Those in the modest middle of the pay scale have every reason to feel victimised. (Does Rishi Sunak really understand red wall voters?, [“red-wall voters” = traditionally Labour-supporting Whites who switched to the Tories], The Spectator, 13th November 2021)
O’Flynn is wrong. Sunak’s approach doesn’t defy logic. It’s perfectly logical for an alumnus of Goldman Sachs to continue serving plutocratic Jews, not ordinary Whites. Sunak is there to help mega-rich Jews get richer, not to defend Britain against their looting. Of course, you can’t expect O’Flynn to mention Jews in a cuckservative magazine like the Spectator. But he could at least have mentioned Sunak’s connections to Goldman Sachs and drawn the obvious conclusion. I suspect he was scared to bring an obviously Jewish bank into the argument. After all, look at what happened to the great conservative philosopher Roger Scruton when the left whipped up a hysteria about a speech he had once made in Hungary. He had criticized George Soros and said, with perfect truth, that “Many of the Budapest intelligentsia are Jewish, and form part of the extensive networks around the Soros empire.” Scruton was denounced as an “anti-Semite” by Luciana Berger, the very Jewish Member of Parliament for a very non-Jewish constituency in Liverpool.
Blind to the truth
As I described in “A Philosopher Falls,” Scruton’s response was typically cuckservative. He should have denounced Berger for her dishonesty and turned the blowtorch of his mighty intellect on the flimsy and regularly misused concept of “anti-Semitism.” He didn’t. Instead, he indignantly denied that he was an anti-Semite, thereby accepting the validity of the charge and merely rejecting its application in his particular case.
That is not how a great philosopher should behave. But then I don’t think Scruton was a great philosopher or an effective defender of Western civilization. To defend something, you have to recognize who its enemies are. Then you expose and oppose them. Jews are the central enemies of Western civilization, but far too many self-proclaimed defenders of the West are still blind to the enemy within the gates. Thanks to their blindness, they are betrayed by the Jew-controlled right again and again. When they stop being blind, they’ll stop being betrayed, because they’ll stop supporting the Jew-controlled right.
Yeah. Jew world.
Well done. Thank you!