Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))
❝ . . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else. ❞
Protocol No. 10 – Preparing for Power
1. To-day I begin with a repetition of what I said before, and I BEG YOU TO BEAR IN MIND THAT GOVERNMENTS AND PEOPLE ARE CONTENT IN THE POLITICAL WITH OUTSIDE APPEARANCES. And how, indeed, are the GOYIM to perceive the underlying meaning of things when their representatives give the best of their energies to enjoying themselves? For our policy it is of the greatest importance to take cognizance of this detail; it will be of assistance to us when we come to consider the division of authority of property, of the dwelling, of taxation (the idea of concealed taxes), of the reflex force of the laws. All these questions as such ought not to be touched upon directly and openly before the people. In cases where it is indispensable to touch upon them they must not be categorically named, it must merely be declared without detailed exposition that the principles of contemporary law are acknowledged by us. The reason of keeping silence in this respect is that by not naming a principle we leave ourselves freedom of action, to drop this or that out of it without attracting notice; if they were all categorically named they would all appear to have been already given.
2. The mob cherishes a special affection and respect for the geniuses of political power and accepts all their deeds of violence with the admiring response: “rascally, well, yes, it is rascally, but it’s clever! … a trick, if you like, but how craftily played, how magnificently done, what impudent audacity!” …
3. We count upon attracting all nations to the task of erecting the new fundamental structure, the project for which has been drawn up by us. This is why, before everything, it is indispensable for us to arm ourselves and to store up in ourselves that absolutely reckless audacity and irresistible might of the spirit which in the person of our active workers will break down all hindrances on our way.
5. TO SECURE THIS WE MUST HAVE EVERYBODY VOTE WITHOUT DISTINCTION OF CLASSES AND QUALIFICATIONS, in order to establish an absolute majority, which cannot be got from the educated propertied classes. In this way, by inculcating in all a sense of self-importance, we shall destroy among the GOYIM the importance of the family and its educational value and remove the possibility of individual minds splitting off, for the mob, handled by us, will not let them come to the front nor even give them a hearing; it is accustomed to listen to us only who pay it for obedience and attention. In this way we shall create a blind, mighty force which will never be in a position to move in any direction without the guidance of our agents set at its head by us as leaders of the mob. The people will submit to this regime because it will know that upon these leaders will depend its earnings, gratifications and the receipt of all kinds of benefits.
6. A scheme of government should come ready made from one brain, because it will never be clinched firmly if it is allowed to be split into fractional parts in the minds of many. It is allowable, therefore, for us to have cognizance of the scheme of action but not to discuss it lest we disturb its artfulness, the interdependence of its component parts, the practical force of the secret meaning of each clause. To discuss and make alterations in a labor of this kind by means of numerous votings is to impress upon it the stamp of all ratiocinations and misunderstandings which have failed to penetrate the depth and nexus of its plotting. We want our schemes to be forcible and suitably concocted. Therefore WE OUGHT NOT TO FLING THE WORK OF GENIUS OF OUR GUIDE to the fangs of the mob or even of a select company.
7. These schemes will not turn existing institutions upside down just yet. They will only effect changes in their economy and consequently in the whole combined movement of their progress, which will thus be directed along the paths laid down in our schemes.
8. Under various names there exists in all countries approximately one and the same thing. Representation, Ministry, Senate, State Council, Legislative and Executive Corps. I need not explain to you the mechanism of the relation of these institutions to one another, because you are aware of all that; only take note of the fact that each of the above-named institutions corresponds to some important function of the State, and I would beg you to remark that the word “important” I apply not to the institution but to the function, consequently it is not the institutions which are important but their functions. These institutions have divided up among themselves all the functions of government – administrative, legislative, executive, wherefore they have come to operate as do the organs in the human body. If we injure one part in the machinery of State, the State falls sick, like a human body, and… will die.
9. When we introduced into the State organism the poison of Liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness – blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony.
10. Liberalism produced Constitutional States, which took the place of what was the only safeguard of the GOYIM, namely, Despotism; and A CONSTITUTION, AS YOU WELL KNOW, IS NOTHING ELSE BUT A SCHOOL OF DISCORDS, misunderstandings, quarrels, disagreements, fruitless party agitations, party whims – in a word, a school of everything that serves to destroy the personality of State activity. THE TRIBUNE OF THE “TALKERICS” HAS, NO LESS EFFECTIVELY THAN THE PRESS, CONDEMNED THE RULERS TO INACTIVITY AND IMPOTENCE, and thereby rendered them useless and superfluous, for which reason indeed they have been in many countries deposed. THEN IT WAS THAT THE ERA OF REPUBLICS BECOME POSSIBLE OF REALIZATION; AND THEN IT WAS THAT WE REPLACED THE RULER BY A CARICATURE OF A GOVERNMENT – BY A PRESIDENT, TAKEN FROM THE MOB, FROM THE MIDST OF OUR PUPPET CREATURES, OR SLAVES. This was the foundation of the mine which we have laid under the GOY people, I should rather say, under the GOY peoples.
11. In the near future we shall establish the responsibility of presidents.
12. By that time we shall be in a position to disregard forms in carrying through matters for which our impersonal puppet will be responsible. What do we care if the ranks of those striving for power should be thinned, if there should arise a deadlock from the impossibility of finding presidents, a deadlock which will finally disorganize the country? …
13. In order that our scheme may produce this result we shall arrange elections in favor of such presidents as have in their past some dark, undiscovered stain, some “Panama” or other – then they will be trustworthy agents for the accomplishment of our plans out of fear of revelations and from the natural desire of everyone who has attained power, namely, the retention of the privileges, advantages and honor connected with the office of president. The chamber of deputies will provide cover for, will protect, will elect presidents, but we shall take from it the right to propose new, or make changes in existing laws, for this right will be given by us to the responsible president, a puppet in our hands. Naturally, the authority of the presidents will then become a target for every possible form of attack, but we shall provide him with a means of self-defense in the right of an appeal to the people, for the decision of the people over the heads of their representatives, that is to say, an appeal to that some blind slave of ours – the majority of the mob. Independently of this we shall invest the president with the right of declaring a state of war. We shall justify this last right on the ground that the president as chief of the whole army of the country must have it at his disposal, in case of need for the defense of the new republican constitution, the right to defend which will belong to him as the responsible representative of this constitution.
14. It is easy to understand that in these conditions the key of the shrine will lie in our hands, and no one outside ourselves will any longer direct the force of legislation.
15. Besides this we shall, with the introduction of the new republican constitution, take from the Chamber the right of interpolation on government measures, on the pretext of preserving political secrecy, and, further, we shall by the new constitution reduce the number of representatives to a minimum, thereby proportionately reducing political passions and the passion for politics. If, however, they should, which is hardly to be expected, burst into flame, even in this minimum, we shall nullify them by a stirring appeal and a reference to the majority of the whole people … Upon the president will depend the appointment of presidents and vice-presidents of the Chamber and the Senate. Instead of constant sessions of Parliaments we shall reduce their sittings to a few months. Moreover, the president, as chief of the executive power, will have the right to summon and dissolve Parliament, and, in the latter case, to prolong the time for the appointment of a new parliamentary assembly. But in order that the consequences of all these acts which in substance are illegal, should not, prematurely for our plans, upon the responsibility established by use of the president, WE SHALL INSTIGATE MINISTERS AND OTHER OFFICIALS OF THE HIGHER ADMINISTRATION ABOUT THE PRESIDENT TO EVADE HIS DISPOSITIONS BY TAKING MEASURES OF THEIR OWN, for doing which they will be made the scapegoats in his place … This part we especially recommend to be given to be played by the Senate, the Council of State, or the Council of Ministers, but not to an individual official.
16. The president will, at our discretion, interpret the sense of such of the existing laws as admit of various interpretation; he will further annul them when we indicate to him the necessity to do so, besides this, he will have the right to propose temporary laws, and even new departures in the government constitutional working, the pretext both for the one and the other being the requirements for the supreme welfare of the State.
17. By such measure we shall obtain the power of destroying little by little, step by step, all that at the outset when we enter on our rights, we are compelled to introduce into the constitutions of States to prepare for the transition to an imperceptible abolition of every kind of constitution, and then the time is come to turn every form of government into OUR DESPOTISM.
18. The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of the constitution; the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence – a matter which we shall arrange for – of their rulers, will clamor: “Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of disorders – frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts – who will give us peace and quiet which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives.”
20. But if we give the nations of the world a breathing space the moment we long for is hardly likely ever to arrive.
The Jewish Vaccine: The Truth ‘Truthers’ Ignore
I personally cannot stand, for the life of me, witnessing these people who call themselves “truthers” using the “evil-Nazi” boogeyman card any longer.
Robert Heimdal June 5, 2023 4 min read
This could be one of the most important videos on the subject of “vaccines” I have found recently. The overall quality is not that good, but the whole clip down below is still watchable enough, so much so that I think people really should start making this thing viral (no pun intended).
I personally cannot stand, for the life of me, witnessing these people who call themselves “truthers” using the “evil-Nazi” boogeyman card any longer. This has to stop. It is about time to turn the tide towards real truth and real facts.
There is a very good reason why recently the current governor of Florida Ron DeSantis went straight from dining with top pro-Israel GOP megadonors (among them Miriam Adelson), during his trip to Jerusalem, to sign a new oppressive “hate crime law” to jail critics of Israel, which obviously affects the state of Florida particularly. Needless to say that this “law” is all about so-called “antisemitism” (oy vey!). I cannot help imagining that creature Greenblatt wallowing gleefully in this nefarious pool of lies and jewish privilege/victimhood.
Thanks a lot Ron for setting the precedent.
However, this is what DeSantis should be aware of: You do not go to a foreign country to sign a law that affects -very severely- Americans and their First Amendment in the American Constitution, and then pretend you are an “anti-discrimination hero,” buddy. This is high treason.
The saddest thing is that I do not see any Americans calling out this traitor whatsoever, quite the contrary. Stupid ass American conservatives still think this guy is on their side… give me a break!
And yes, I know that the whole thing involving the “American Constitution” and “The Founding Father” is a big Masonic fraud, but let us be honest, what else do people have as a shield against these tyrants? Do people here know that the WHO has recently partnered with the Rockefeller Foundation to override sovereign nations’ laws in an effort to “expand global pandemic preparedness in an era of climate change”? [sic]
This agenda’s implementation is around the corner by the way… and it is not small matter. I do not endorse these people whatsoever, but I would certainly recommend watching this video for detailed information on this very important subject.
These jews know the whole thing is on them. Time is running out. They must act quickly before everyone smells the coffee and start talking about the jewish problem involving the vaccine debacle too much and too loud for their comfort. They need to pass these “anti-semitism” laws ASAP all over the world and they need this to happen NOW.
Enter the “evil Nazi” boogeyman and so-called “Nuremberg Code”
I ignore if lawyers like Reiner Fuellmich are really decent people or not. I have not found the time to investigate them as much as I did with all the phony characters related to the Academy of Divine Knowledge (people know which characters I am referring to – no need to hammer on the same thing once again).
To make a long story short: Fuellmich and company are still using the so-called “Nuremberg Code” as a “legitimate” base to use against those who have committed obvious crimes against humanity with the “Covid-19” psychological operation, when in reality, from a true historical perspective the whole event known as “The Nuremberg Trials” was a shameful farce of epic proportions. Remember Rudolf Höss?
On this particular respect I am also very disappointed when seeing no one calling these people out when they raise the subject (“The Nuremberg Code”), at least I have not seen many people doing this in any comments’ section anywhere. I suppose many comments get conveniently “unapproved” by such types, right?
The whole “Nuremberg Code” is an obvious scam designed to camouflage the real culprits in question, which as per usual, are the usual suspects. The following video (which I hope people will watch) puts things in their right context. After watching it nobody will be able to come out and shout “evil Nazis” again… will they?
They will because many of the people who call themselves “truthers” on the internet make a living out of this deception, by ushering people to a certain level of “truth” in order to finally veer their attention towards the ultimate historical lie, thus obstructing people from finding out who the real culprits of mass-genocide really are. It is called gatekeeping.
Just in case some people might wonder “who is this guy on Earth referring to when talking about these truthers?” I could mention the very obvious agents like Alex Jones and the deceptive David Icke, also the cretinous Paul Craig Roberts, the vociferous Maria Zeee and the boring drone James Corbett to name a few, take your pick. People will have to get to their own conclusions on this particular regard.
It is just a matter of time people find out. Let us make this transition quicker before it is too late:
The Truth ‘Truthers’ Ignore (May 17th, 2023) by Gemma O’Doherty
Still in doubt?…
Jewish Scientist Who Developed New Vaccine “Saved the World”
June 5, 2023/4 Comments/in Featured Articles/by Karl Haemers
Dr. Drew Weissman (along with colleague Katalin Kariko) at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine has been lauded as “Penn Professor (who) ‘Saves the World’ with COVID Vaccine Research.” (Kariko is excluded from the headline in this Jewish Exponent article.) Weissman and Kariko have been lavishly celebrated for their “breakthrough” with mRNA technology. “Earlier this year, Brandeis University and the Rosenstiel Foundation honored the scientists with the Lewis S. Rosenstiel Award for Distinguished Work in Basic Medical Research.”
What I am about to relate is an interlocking nexus of Jewish wealth, big pharma, and connections to the academic community. This goes back a long way.
Brandeis University “was named for Louis Dembitz Brandeis (1856–1941), the first Jewish justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.” We saw Brandeis in the essay “Jewish Control of U.S. Presidents #1: Woodrow Wilson.” Brandeis was installed as the first Jewish justice of the Supreme Court as part of a deal Wilson made with Samuel Untermeyer, Jewish attorney and Wilson handler through blackmail and bribery. Under “Our Jewish Roots,” Brandeis U states: “At its core, Brandeis is animated by a set of values that are rooted in Jewish history and experience.” It espouses “the Jewish ideal of making the world a better place through one’s actions and talents.” This is reminiscent of the “Science Tikkun” of aggressive Jewish vaccine promoter Peter Hotez.
Lewis S. Rosenstiel was a Jewish organized crime boss who made his first fortune bootlegging illegal liquor during Prohibition. He went on to run child-raping blackmail operations prior to those of Roy Cohn, Jewish mob attorney in New York, and Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous child-rape operations most recently.
Weissman and Kariko also won a Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences from the Breakthrough Prize Foundation. “In July 2012, Yuri and Julia Milner established the Breakthrough Prize, joined the following year by Sergey Brin, Priscilla Chan, Anne Wojcicki and Mark Zuckerberg.” Apart from Chan who is Chinese, all are Jews including Milner, a “Soviet-born Israeli entrepreneur“ whose investment firm DST Global (“The Quiet Conqueror”) invests in Facebook, and who personally invested in 23andMe, whose CEO is Anne Wojcicki. Wojcicki was married to Brin, co-founder of Google and president of parent company Alphabet. Anne’s sister Susan Wojcicki was CEO of Youtube, and Zuckerberg is of course co-founder of the Facebook internet social media platform.
The Perelman Family’s-Funded Medical School—and Much Else
While the interrelationships among so many Jews overseeing the most powerful internet and data companies in the world are noteworthy, here our focus is on Jewish interrelationships in the medical industry. For an analysis of the Jewish role in creating today’s modern pharmaceutical-based medical system, see “The Jewish Origins of the For-Profit Medical Industry.”
Other high-level Jewish crime lords besides Brandeis and Rosenstiel are also funding medical research and development, as discussed in Covert Covid Culprits (review here):
Jewish organized crime oligarch and child-raping blackmail ringleader Leslie Wexner [Epstein’s boss] founded and is funding the Wexner School of Medicine. By November 2020, the Wexner School conducted AstraZeneca covid vaccine trials, on up to 500 victims, with follow-up evaluations for two years.[1]
Jewish organized crime oligarch and child-raping blackmail ringleader Leslie Wexner [Jeffrey Epstein’s boss] founded and is funding the Wexner School of Medicine. By November 2020, the Wexner School conducted AstraZeneca covid vaccine trials, on up to 500 victims, with follow-up evaluations for two years.[1]
More relevant to Weissman, Jewish billionaire oligarch and financial schemer Ronald Perelman (“once touted as America’s richest man.”) is the son of the couple who in 2011 provided the immense grant that gives the Perelman School, where Weissman works, its name. In “Raymond and Ruth Perelman Donate $225 Million to the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine,” the subtitle reads, “Largest Single Naming Gift To A School Of Medicine In U.S. History.” Raymond Perleman’s (deceased) Wikipedia entry says “He was Jewish.”
Perelman’s entry states: “He was raised in a Jewish family… and is the grandson of Litvak (Jewish Lithuanian) immigrants.” In a Forbes (not to be confused with Perelman’s holding company MacAndrews and Forbes) article titled “Don’t Mess With Me,” we learn that “he is an observant Jew who doesn’t work from sundown Friday to Sunday morning and who, as the Talmud demands, on Saturdays always prays in a group of ten Jewish men, no matter where he is in the world.”
The Forbes article calls Perelman “one of America’s most feared corporate raiders” and a “giddily competitive, 5-foot-7 corporate barbarian.” Also, “Ronald Perelman is a multi-billionaire Jew with a trail of corruption and dirty dealing—what his Wikipedia entry calls ‘controversy.’”[2] Perelman’s name is found in Epstein’s notorious black book on page 43: “…many of these ‘raiders,’ specifically Ron Perelman… dined with Epstein at Epstein’s home throughout the 2000s and whose political fundraiser for Bill Clinton’s re-election campaign was attended by Epstein in the mid-90s…”[3] “Perelman would later be listed as a frequent dinner guest of Epstein’s.”[4]
Ron Perelman… is a veteran of the infamous corporate raiders of Drexel Burnham Lambert during the 1980s. … Perelman’s business tactics were known to be informed by his volcanic temper and his ruthlessness, with former Salomon Brothers CEO John Gutfruend once having remarked that “believing Mr. Perelman has no hostile intentions is like believing the tooth fairy exists.”[5]
The Perelman School of Medicine has over 2,600 full-time faculty members, 781 medical students, more than 1,400 residents and fellows, 967 PhD students, 218 MD-PhD students, 782 post-doctoral fellows, and over 6,800 Perelman School of Medicine employees.
U Penn’s Jewish President
President of the University of Pennsylvania, within which is the Perelman School, was Amy Gutmann, serving from 2004 to 2020 when she resigned to accept the appointment as U.S. Ambassador to Germany. This made her “the longest-serving president in the history of the University of Pennsylvania.” In a Princeton Magazine profile (she was formerly the first Laurance S. Rockefeller University Professor at Princeton, founding director of its University Center for Human Values, and provost), Gutmann stated:
My father, Kurt, was the youngest of five children in an Orthodox Jewish family living near Nuremberg when Hitler came to power. At a remarkably early age, under incredibly trying conditions, he had the wisdom, foresight and courage to act on the deeply troubling developments and decided to escape. His brave decision profoundly shaped my life and that of my family. I would not be here today had he acted differently.
We are to understand that Amy is another holocaust survivor, because her father was. It is both apropos and an insult that our U.S. Ambassador to Germany today is the Jewish daughter of an alleged holocaust survivor.
Gutmann is co-author of Color Conscious: The Political Morality of Race, and is described as an “eminent moral and political philosopher.” The publisher’s description states:
Gutmann examines alternative political responses to racial injustice. She argues that American politics cannot be fair to all citizens by being color blind because American society is not color blind. Fairness, not color blindness, is a fundamental principle of justice. Whether policies should be color-conscious, class conscious, or both in particular situations, depends on an open-minded assessment of their fairness. Exploring timely issues of university admissions, corporate hiring, and political representation, Gutmann develops a moral perspective that supports a commitment to constitutional democracy.
Hers is a distinctly Jewish perception of racial justice and “fairness” (i.e., equity whereby all groups achieve the same regardless of talents and abilities in an attempt to raise up Black and Latino socioeconomic profiles). Co-author K. Anthony Appiah “draws on the scholarly consensus that ‘race’ has no legitimate biological basis.”
Immediately as U Penn president, Gutmann launched the Penn Compact, which went on “to integrate knowledge across academic disciplines with a strong emphasis on innovation: Penn was named No. 4 in Reuters’ Top 100 World Innovative Universities in 2017.” This entry lists as “Notable Alumni” Ronald Perelman and Donald Trump. It also shows the number of patents which U Penn has been granted (170), with a commercial impact over 50% above the average. This brings us to the profit motive of Dr. Weissman’s current research.
The New Vaccines: Follow the Money
studied biochemistry and enzymology at Brandeis University and earned an MD/PhD in immunology and microbiology from Boston University in 1987. After a residency in Boston, he pursued a fellowship at the National Institutes of Health, where he worked closely with Anthony Fauci (Hon.’18), now director of the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, whom (Weissman) describes as “one of the great drivers of my research interest.” [Fauci retired at the end of 2022 — KH]
The above quote is from “How Scientists Drew Weissman… and Katalin Karikó Developed the Revolutionary mRNA Technology inside COVID Vaccines.”
Anthony Fauci as director of NIAID became notorious throughout the promotion of the covid-19 pandemic for his advocacy of the new mRNA vaccines—and no other possible natural health measure or intervention, except masks. We must consider that Fauci may also have directed Weissman in his “research interest,” leading to the immensely profitable covid vaccines.
In February Pfizer announced its 2022 sales of covid vaccines plus its new oral paxlovid covid drug totaled $56 billion, with total profits at $31.4 billion. Moderna’s only commercial product was its covid vaccine, and its gross sales in 2022 were $18.2 billion.
News had emerged announcing that Weissman is pursuing the next fabulously lucrative vaccine product, a “universal vaccine.” ABC’s “Philadelphia scientists on quest to develop universal coronavirus vaccine” which was published in February 2022, quotes Weissman:
There have been three epidemics with coronavirus in the past 20 years. The problem with chasing variants is by the time you’ve made a vaccine the variant is gone and a new variant appears. …
We have two vaccines that work well. We’re making more because, in the end, we might have to mix vaccines together to get the protection possible.
We see how the theory of constantly emerging “variants” (they used to be called “mutations”) provides job security for Weissman, and guarantees ongoing profits for pharmaceutical vaccine makers.
Covid Vaccine Damage
Even without mixing mRNA vaccines, the damage from a single mRNA vaccine (as a result of the many doses needed) has been staggering. The U.S. government’s own Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) provides the numbers as of May 5:
35,324 COVID Vaccine Reported Deaths
199,790 Total COVID Vaccine Reported Hospitalizations
1,556,050 COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports
Here the blue bars represent deaths from non-COVID vaccines, leaving the red bars for COVID vaccine deaths. Note that “occasional” reports come from outside the U.S.
Recall that “the Lazarus study… showed that less than 1% of events are reported to VAERS”[6] This study was concluded in 2010, and government health agencies have done nothing since to improve vaccine adverse event reporting, while doing much to improve vaccine promotion.
Pfizer’s own vaccine damage data was released through a Freedom of Information Act request. It covers the three-month period from 1/12/2020 – 2/28/2021, the very beginning of its covid vaccine deployment. Almost 159,000 events were reported world-wide, the largest number being from the U.S. (almost 35,000). Among these were over 1,200 deaths. In pregnant mothers, 29 out of 270 pregnancies resulted in spontaneous abortion or neo-natal death (p. 12). That is almost 11%. Russian roulette is 17%. For pregnant mothers to accept the covid vaccine would be like playing Russian roulette with their babies’ lives with a 9-chamber revolver. Pfizer was expecting to continue this “pharmacovigilance” program for two years (but don’t expect any of the data to become public), but these reports of death and damage accrued in only the first three months.
New Vaccines at ‘Breathtaking Speed’
Weissman is not deterred by huge spikes in death and damage from the first mRNA vaccines. The Bostonia (Boston University’s Alumni Magazine) article continues:
[Weissman and Kariko] pioneered the mRNA technology that is fundamentally reshaping the landscape of vaccine development and the future of gene therapies. Not only have the new mRNA vaccines proven to be more effective and safer [!] than traditional vaccines, they can be developed and reengineered to take on emerging pathogens and new variants with breathtaking speed [i.e., Warp Speed-KH]. Using mRNA technology, Pfizer-BioNTech designed its coronavirus vaccine in a matter of hours.
Operation Warp Speed was President Trump’s program to fast-track covid vaccines. It was a public-private partnership including the Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. military. It had a budget of $10 billion and granted $6 billion of that to pharmaceutical companies and other vaccine development firms. OWS used a private company, Advanced Technology International, to award the grants, in order to “bypass the regulatory oversight and transparency of traditional federal contracting mechanisms.”
Weissman’s technology is all about speed, something highly dangerous when applied to vaccine testing and safety.
There were “enormous possibilities,” Weissman says. The scientists believed their technology had the potential to transform medicine, opening the door to countless new vaccines, therapeutic proteins, and gene therapies.
And money, as we have seen.
[Weissman and Kariko’s] discovery caught the attention of two biotech newcomers, Moderna of Cambridge, Mass., and Germany’s BioNTech. Both companies eventually licensed Weissman and Karikó’s patents. (Karikó was hired by BioNTech in 2013, and the company would later partner with US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer on vaccine development. The two companies also now support Weissman’s lab.)
His frustration with how the United States is managing the pandemic has led him to focus on vaccine access for the rest of the world. Weissman is currently working with the governments of Thailand, Malaysia, South Africa, and Rwanda, among others, to develop and test lower-cost COVID vaccines.
‘Immunize the World’
The Bostonia article provides the same Weissman quote as the ABC article, but goes further:
There have been three coronavirus epidemics in the past 20 years,” he explains. “You have to assume there are going to be more. We’re now working on a vaccine that will protect against every variant that will likely appear. Our thinking is that we’ll use it as a way to immunize the world—and prevent the next pandemic from happening in the future.
MERS-CoV, another supposed coronavirus, was said to be spreading from camels to humans primarily in the Middle East. The case fatality rate was said to have been 30-35%, although as with SARV-Cov-2, “Most patients who have died had underlying comorbidities and developed pneumonia or renal failure.” Again, it was health care settings that most caused the symptoms. “45% were healthcare-associated infection.” Some “infections’ were recognized as “asymptomatic.” Though the disease was predicted to possibly spread to the U.S., “no sustained transmission had been reported by late 2014,” and the CDC reported only 2 possible cases. Though no vaccine has been developed, as of 2019 development prospects continue using six different technologies, including DNA and nano-particle vaccines. Profit prospects look promising.
When Weissman says we have had three coronavirus epidemics, and we have to assume we are going to have more, we should believe him. The past three have proven their effectiveness at controlling population behavior and generating pharmaceutical company profits, as well as research funding for Weissman’s efforts to “immunize the world.” .
‘Charging Forward on a Mind-bending Spectrum of Applications’ – “It’s Limitless”
But Weissman is hardly stopping with coronaviruses. He’s working on about 20 other vaccines for diseases from malaria to HIV, with several moving into clinical trials. His lab is also exploring new gene therapies to treat immune deficiencies like cystic fibrosis and genetic liver diseases.
Meanwhile, biotech companies like Moderna and BioNTech are charging forward on a mind-bending spectrum of mRNA applications, including personalized cancer vaccines and autoimmune therapies: “as he looks to the future, he sounds genuinely awed by the staggering potential of the technology he and Karikó invented: ‘It really is exciting. It’s limitless.’”
It appears Weissman’s personal fortunes were only relatively improved by his twenty years of research and development of modified mRNA technology. The patenting of the technology was a complex matter. Basically the patents belong to U Penn and licensing sold to private firms and individuals. Kariko became an executive at BioNTech, and received $2 million two separate times in licensing deals.
As for Dr. Drew Weissman, MIT Technology Review reported in early 2021:
There are fantastic fortunes to be made in mRNA technology. At least five people connected to Moderna and BioNTech are now billionaires… Weissman is not one of them, though he stands to get patent royalties. He says he prefers academia, where people are less likely to tell him what to research—or, just as important, what not to. He’s always looking for the next great scientific challenge: “It’s not that the vaccine is old news, but it was obvious they were going to work.” Messenger RNA, he says, “has an incredible future.”
In-credible is the word. As we’ve seen, Dr. Anthony Fauci as director of NIAID told Weissman what to research, and his research has reaped enormous profits and stands to reap much more. This financial abundance has come at the cost of more lives than any previous vaccine by far. The death and damage signals in the VAERS and Pfizer’s own “pharmacovigilance” data are being ignored. By no means was it “obvious” the vaccines “were going to work.” No previous attempt at marketing a coronavirus vaccine had succeeded; the modified mRNA technology Weissman offered had been tried but never been used in any vaccine before, and an objective view of the covid vaccine clinical trials showed it was a failure.
Weissman is moving forward boldly with more modified mRNA medical technology, and no doubt more patent royalties. His Jewish nature and his Jewish network compel him.
[1]Haemers, Karl, Covert Covid Culprits: An Inquest Chronicle, USA, p. 245
[2]Ibid, p. 98
[3]Webb, Whitney, One Nation Under Blackmail, Vol. 2, Trine Day, Walterville OR, 2022, p. 8
[4]Ibid, p. 216
[5]Ibid, p. 215
[6]Haemers, p. 184
💯 This info needs to be spread wide & far.
The election will be a sham anyway, but are any of the presidential candidates not already in Israel's pocket likely to stay out of it? Vivek, probably.