Jewish U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D), great grandson of Jacob Schiff, who funded Bolshevism, Leon Trotsky, and the October Revolution from Wall Street, is following in his great grandfather’s footsteps by illegally trafficking weapons with the Jewish Ukrainian oligarch Igor Pasternak (seated behind John Kerry below), funding foreign conflicts abroad . . . and trying to get Syria for the oil pipelines by blaming the Russians for another false flag . . .
ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF

Born in Kazakhstan, this Ukrainian billionaire oligarch, with his deep state, military-industrial complex contacts, funded Adam Schiff’s lavish campaign dinners at $2,500 a plate . . . no wonder Schiff was pushing the Russia fear mongering so hard, Pasternak has contracts with the Pentagon.
Schiff’s visceral hate for Donald Trump and ancestral ethnic hatred of Russians is also fueled by the money he has received from his Jewish oligarch patron, who has an agenda to neo-communize Ukraine, and profit from the pillage started in the Maidan 2014 coup that ousted the elected Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych . . . in an impeachment vote flanked by men with submachineguns on the floor of the Ukrainian Parliament (just to make sure everyone voted the right way).
Jewish IMF stooge Arseny Yatsenyuk, pictured below, installed as Ukrainian Prime Minister in the 2014 Maidan coup, also fought for Chechen Islamists against Russia . . . IMF = Israeli Military Fund
Adam Schiff employed as his IT, a member of the Awan clan . . . Prosecutors contended in court filings that the Pakistani Awan clan committed bank fraud at a Congressional bank as the way to finance their absconding to Pakistan.
Brothers Abid and Imran handled congressional data— sensitive top-secret data. Months at a time Imran ran House IT — in Pakistan — an active terrorist country, handling US intel without supervision . . . Yet Schiff never said a word. Congressional House Democrats who also employed the clan said nothing . . .
. . . Schiff's Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence oversaw all or part of the following executive branch departments and agencies:
-Office of the Director of National Intelligence
-Central Intelligence Agency
-Defense Intelligence Agency
-Department of Defense
-Department of Energy
-Department of Homeland Security
-Department of Justice
-Department of State
-Department of Treasury Drug Enforcement Administration
-Federal Bureau of Investigation
-National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
-National Reconnaissance Office
-National Security Agency
-Office of Naval Intelligence
-Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency
-United States Army Intelligence and Security Command
-United States Coast Guard Intelligence
-Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
. . . At no time did Rep. Schiff advise any of these critical agencies that intel they provided his office was being viewed by suspected foreign spies . . . perhaps sold abroad . . . by foreign enemies of the USA.
Adam Schiff has his entire career wrapped up in finding Russian collusion. Schiff appeared on MSNBC one Thursday night (his 323rd TV appearance) and said that Democrats were unable to confirm the reporting “because the Republicans wouldn't let us get the phone records.”
The IMF Jews are in bed with the Turks, Saudis, and NATO, they were worried about a Trump audit of the Federal Reserve and about Trump and Putin teaming up to destroy them once and for all . . .
Zionist occupied NATO wants Imran Khan and Donald Trump imprisoned.
Trump was a vote for peace, and peace does not make money for the weapon industry. Trump wouldn’t give the deep state the shadow wars they wanted in Syria and Ukraine, so they rigged two US elections . . . and the first thing they did afterwards was send troops to Syria.
The pseudo secular media and their Zionist masters profit from destabilization. Retaining control of US foreign policy is what drives the neo-cons and Hillary’s flying monkeys . . . along with the millions Goldman Sachs and the Saudis have paid them.
The banksters need a war desperately right now. They’ve tried so hard in Syria, and it just hasn’t worked. Then they got crazy Trump actually saying we should stay out of the Middle East and focus on our own problems, and people were listening . . . What’s a self-respecting globalist financier to do?
So, they sent their puppets like McCain, Kasich, Romney, Clinton, and Biden out to talk up the fight against “evil” and threaten Russia, hoping to fool those dumb white ‘Murkins one more time into sending their sons off to die for God and Country and Goldman Sachs.
Jews Madeline Albright and Wesley Clark (pictured on the right below) had NATO bomb Serbia so the IMF Jews could make loans for rebuilding and get control of Serbian iridium assets . . . while Saudi non-profit NGOs kept the KLA terrorists well fed and well-armed . . . Just like ISIS in Syria . . . Their Zionist bedfellows on Wall Street want Ukraine for GMO grain crops . . . Monsanto (now Bayer), Genentech, ADM, etc., are all buying land with the help of the Jews at the IMF by giving the Ukrainian “Dill” idiots debt relief . . .
Barak Obama's mentor Zbigniew Brzezinski (Mika’s father, next to Nancy Pelosi above) was the monster in the Carter administration who armed and financed the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan to fight against the Soviets... after the Mujahedeen were armed with sophisticated weapons, the Soviets left, the result was the USA got 911, and women now can walk 3 paces behind the donkey, the Mujahedeen evolved into the Taliban, who evolved into Al-Qaeda, who evolved into ISIS/ISIL/Daesh . . . Brzezinski, for all practical purposes, can be called the ‘Grandfather of ISIS’ . . .
ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF
“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.” ― John Fitzgerald Kennedy
“An impartial investigation of the last war, of what preceded it and what has come out of it, would show beyond a doubt that there is in the world a group of men with vast powers of control, that prefers to remain unknown, that does not seek office or any of the tokens of power, that belongs to no nation whatever but is international—a force that uses every government, every widespread business organization, every agency of publicity, every resource of national psychology, to throw the world into a panic for the sake of getting still more power over the world.” ― Henry Ford
“Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?” ― Oliver Cromwell
Pakistan's struggle for transparency, trust…
By Ghanwa Mohiyuddin
Source: Al Mayadeen English
23 Feb 2024 16:06
The remarkable turnout was a resounding protest against the attempted political oppression (Illustrated by Arwa Makki; Al Mayadeen English)
In the annals of Pakistan’s political saga, this election emerged as a defining event. Despite all the challenges, the electorate managed to defy all odds and turned out in unprecedented numbers, tearing through the barriers of fear in pursuit of change through the ballot. Yet, their resounding and decisive voices are being drowned out once again. This remarkable turnout was a resounding protest against the attempted political oppression and the archaic status quo, reflecting the evident anti-establishment sentiment within the country.
The question should not be whether this election was truly free or fair. The persistent perception of unfairness has marred Pakistan's electoral landscape for years, and the 12th general election on February 8 only added to the existing skepticism. Questions should be raised about the integrity of the institutions of Pakistan. After Prime Minister Khan's third conviction in less than a week, resulting in an unbelievable sentence exceeding 30 years in prison, the murky machinations of the security establishment were exposed, casting a dark cloud over the legitimacy of the electoral process. This latest conviction has brought disgrace upon the nation and laid bare the mockery of justice.
The impartiality of the ECP as the guardian angel of free elections is now under intense scrutiny. The biased actions against a specific party directly undermine the assurances of the caretaker administration and the Election Commission of Pakistan regarding a level playing field and fair polls. What was meant to be a clear path of victory for the PML-N turned into a wave of popular dissent against the state.
While allegations of rigging and election day anomalies are not novel in Pakistan, the manipulation of election results undermines the country's power structures and has effectively led to growing public distrust in the system. The loss of faith in the state by the nation emerges as the most formidable challenge stemming from this election.
There are always genuine security concerns that loom large in the country, particularly as the general elections approach. This year, it was radical militants and Baloch insurgents intensifying their attacks in an attempt to disrupt and discredit the democratic process. Between February 1 and 9, there were 36 out of 63 reported terrorist attacks directly linked to election violence.
Law enforcement agencies were aware of the heightened threat of attacks and could have devised more strategic security plans. However, their choice of a blanket shutdown of mobile services across the country on this pivotal day seemed excessive and potentially harmful to the democratic process. Despite these drastic measures, the terrorists managed to carry out 11 attacks in high-risk areas.
Pakistan has heavily invested in developing counterterrorism infrastructure, such as specialized departments like the National Counter Terrorism Authority with dedicated security cells and forces. If these institutions couldn't formulate a comprehensive security plan for the elections, it's imperative for the state and the incoming parliament to critically evaluate their performance and resource allocation.
What Pakistan required was the most transparent elections in its history to restore public faith in the system. Unfortunately, the deep state in Pakistan often prioritizes "imposing order", sometimes to the detriment of political and social stability. While they may believe that order brings discipline and stability, they consistently overlook how their policies erode their legitimacy in imposing such order.
The prevalent abnormalities in the polls have garnered a strong international response. The US, the UK, and the EU have all expressed concerns about Pakistan's electoral process and have called for investigations into the reported irregularities. However, perhaps the most embarrassing critique came from the UN Secretary-General, who urged Pakistani authorities and political leaders to address election-related issues "through established legal frameworks.”
These international statements underscore a deteriorating global perception of Pakistan's democratic process and raise questions about the alleged involvement of the security establishment in manipulating the electoral process, evident in its inescapable influence.
In a remarkable move, the army chief also called on Pakistan's political parties to forge a "unified government" to steer the country away from the politics of "anarchy and polarization." Such political intrusions by the military leadership are not rare even though this does not come within their mandate. However, given the entrenched involvement of the security establishment in the political landscape, it's not entirely surprising. It also sheds light on the evolving civil-military dynamics in Pakistan.
The military elite has often struggled with legitimacy crises, often seeking refuge behind a civilian facade. However, history has proved that despite numerous attempts at political engineering, the people have consistently asserted their own will. The establishment often forgets that such persistent meddling in political affairs inevitably yields undesirable consequences.
Is this orchestrated chaos a misguided attempt at crisis management, as the establishment loses its grip over the international narrative? Daily revelations from various quarters, including disillusioned civil servants, hint at internal friction, if not outright breakdown.
There is mass hysteria within the country, and while the media bear some responsibility for it, they are not solely culpable. Decades of political engineering have created a system teetering under the weight of distortions and mutations, now imploding before our eyes.
The only path to halting the perpetual crises in Pakistani politics is for influential factions to cease their manipulation of political parties and allow genuinely elected representatives to shape the nation's future.
Artificially constructed entities have fleeting relevance and ultimately get rejected by the voters. True political forces emerge when they distance themselves from their creators and seek legitimacy solely from the people.
Even behind bars, Khan's adept use of populist rhetoric has disrupted the established playbook. Those who believed they held perpetual control over power mechanisms now face the unintended consequences of their actions.
The unfolding chaos, underscored by the events of February 8, hints at potentially graver consequences. The future remains uncertain, but one thing is evident: to rein in chaos and anarchy, new rules of engagement must be established. This pertains not only to relations between the security establishment and political leadership but also within the political sphere itself.
“It’s a rigged system.” ― Donald Trump
NATO - an anti-white and anti-family institution
Author: Simon Holmqvist
E-mail: simon.holmqvist@nordfront.se
Published: 06-07-2023 09:45
GLOBALISM • The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, is institutionally an anti-white and anti-family organization. This is what the politicians in the Riksdag, including SD, want to force on the people over their heads.
After the apocalypse in 1945, a number of global organizations have been formed with the aim of maintaining and expanding totalitarian liberalism. One of the earliest organizations formed for this purpose was the military alliance "North Atlantic Treaty Organization", or NATO, which can be seen as the military arm of globalism.
In addition to assuring that Washington always has international support for its military campaigns, NATO as an institution is explicitly anti-white and explicitly dedicated to "racial justice" for racial aliens living in white countries. As early as 1999, NATO authored reports blaming nationalists for a number of modern problems and warning of the influence of nationalism.
In 2023, the alliance held a summit at its headquarters in Brussels on race where the leaders of the alliance vowed to combat "homogeneous attitudes" and to use NATO's "collective intelligence" for the purpose.
In fact, NATO is so dedicated to its anti-white agenda that it openly advocates that institutions must be redesigned to become "inclusive," in other words, restructured to become more anti-white and consist of fewer white employees and managers.
NATO is also a thoroughly feminist war alliance and, like the governments of many of its member states, advocates sending white women to war and fighting in the place of men. Women in the military are not only at risk of underachievement given their limited physique; Placing women in units also risks breaking up the unity and brotherhood that is desired to emerge among armed forces.
Recently, NATO has also presented a long list of reports on how societies must not only accept homosexual and transsexual degeneration, but also embrace it and offer these people "a strong dignity".
When the "International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia" was celebrated in early June, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg promised military protection of the gay lobby's agenda.
Thus, NATO is not a protector of the West, but a military alliance that actively fights against race, family, and marriage—the foundations on which the entire Western civilization rests.
Moreover, as a military alliance, NATO has taken a leading role in attacking the pillars of our civilisation. In 2002, only one NATO country had legalized gay marriage, yet NATO gave full benefits to all gay couples among its employees, thus becoming a global pioneer in equating these relationships with heterosexual marriage.
Out of a total of 31 NATO countries, 17 have today fully legalized homosexual "marriage", another 7 have legalized "civil partnerships" while Slovakia and Poland have a corresponding cohabitation law for homosexual couples. At present, only Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey among NATO countries have no legal "recognition" of non-heterosexual relationships. Both Bulgaria and Croatia define marriage as "a union between a man and a woman" in their respective constitutions, although Croatia nevertheless allows registered "partnerships" among homosexuals.
Lobby groups want to "punish" disobedient NATO countries internally
At the same time, those NATO countries that do not adhere to NATO's "values" are under severe pressure on a regular basis, especially those countries that have also joined the EU. The NATO-linked organization ATA, which is led by former NATO employees, has even gone so far as to publish an article demanding that NATO punish member states that do not implement what it calls the "rights" of gay and transgender people. Specifically, Hungary has been singled out for not adhering to NATO's "values". The article complains about Hungarian laws that restrict gay lobby propaganda:
Not only does this law violate human rights, it also goes against NATO's minimum membership requirements, which require member states to "uphold democracy, including tolerance and diversity" and treat minorities fairly. Although these membership requirements are not binding, Hungary's actions violate NATO's equality and diversity policy, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender. NATO needs to respond to these human rights violations and discrimination among its member states.
Not only does NATO devote a large part of its funding and personnel to advocating "diversity and inclusion" – it does so under the guise of being crucial to the functioning and survival of the military alliance and provides, among other things, official "gender advisers" to high-ranking NATO leaders.
Sweden as a state, and the Swedish Armed Forces as a military organization, have long not only accepted these ideas but fully implemented them in their activities. In this way, NATO membership does not necessarily imply any short-term changes on these issues from our politicians and military leaders.
But through NATO membership, this is integrated into a global, military system that constitutes yet another obstacle for Sweden to go another way and break away from the anti-people and anti-family ideology that has plagued our institutions. This means a military occupation by a Washington-led war alliance that for 80 years has used its enormous capital of violence to impose its misanthropic ideas on the whole world.
This war alliance has Sweden's politicians (including the Riksdag's Sweden Democrats, which many national voters voted for) chosen to impose on our country over the heads of the people. On the rare occasions when the issue of a referendum was raised in the public debate, this was dismissed as "unnecessary" or even "inappropriate" with reference to "the deteriorating security situation".
But even if a referendum had been held in Sweden, the NATO propaganda from all mainstream media has been so dense that it has probably been ensured that a majority of voters have already integrated the lie that NATO is a guarantee of our security into their own worldview.
NATO is an anti-white, anti-family and misogynistic organization that must not only be kept out of the Nordic region, but also stopped.
NATO = North Atlantic Transgender Organization
The truth about why there could be war in Sweden
Author: Simon Holmqvist 09-01-2024 14:50
E-post: simon.holmqvist@nordfront.se
COMMENT • Both the Armed Forces and the government are now using strong words when they warn the people that there may be war in Sweden. But does Sweden really have a national conflict with Russia and what is it that the politicians do not choose to tell?
The Society and Defense conference, which is traditionally held at the beginning of the year in Sälen, has always been a place where authoritarian liberals, Orwellian swamp trolls and militant globalists advance their positions. It is at Society and Defense that we hear about what those in power are planning for repression against dissidents in the future and how Sweden should circumvent the will of the people in order to position itself more closely with the transatlantic sphere of influence.
This year, both the government and the Armed Forces have declared to the people that they must now prepare for war. Most likely, it was concluded that the people are now ready to hear these words, as the war propaganda has been able to intensify since 2022 under cover of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
However, there is a great deal that the politicians and Supreme Commander Micael Bydén choose to leave out in their warnings. For example, they do not tell the people why Sweden is moving ever closer to a war or what decisions lie behind it. Instead, it points to Russia invading Ukraine and claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin is now "hungry" to invade other nearby countries. Without NATO's protection, we are very vulnerable," Bydén later claimed on Monday evening in a series of television programs in which he was a guest. As usual, the rhetoric was summed up by saying that the military alliance that provoked the war in Ukraine is now our only salvation.
There is no Swedish interest in war against Russia
But the fact is that Sweden does not have an isolated national conflict with Russia that is so serious that it can only be resolved by force. This is true even if you reduce Sweden to the cultural Marxist oppressive state with imperialist ambitions to spread gender-neutral equality and liberal democracy throughout the world. Certainly, countries such as Russia, which has clearly chosen a different path, have been annoyed by the fact that little Sweden sponsors subversive and anti-regime activities on Russian soil, and it has certainly worsened relations between the countries. But it is not something that in itself will lead to war.
The relationship between Sweden and Russia simply cannot be compared to what happened in Ukraine before the Russian invasion. When Russia invaded its neighboring country, an armed conflict had been going on in the eastern parts of the country for many years, where the Russian population had clearly lost out in the long run. Diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict had clearly collapsed, formally with the two failed Minsk treaties that were never implemented even though they seemed to be able to solve the problems in a satisfactory way for all parties.
Unlike Sweden and Finland, Russia also clearly stated that it could not tolerate Ukraine joining NATO under any circumstances. The Kremlin openly signaled for many years that this was an existential issue, as NATO is a military alliance specifically aimed at Russia and that its infrastructure in Ukraine posed a strategic threat to Russian security.
There is no war against any Russian minority in Sweden and even if Russia strongly opposes Swedish NATO membership and will certainly respond to this, it is clear that Russia will de facto tolerate it. Nor is there anything else specific in the relationship between Sweden and Russia that is so serious that it would lead to war.
What may lead to war, however, is that Sweden is drawn into a major conflict between Russia and NATO, since Sweden has so clearly chosen sides. This has been done with all the clarity that could be desired, regardless of possible membership of the military alliance, and it has been done with both words and deeds. For example, Sweden has sent some of the Armed Forces' best weapons to Ukraine with the aim of killing Russian soldiers and in many cases also killing civilians in Donbas – the same population that Russia went to war to defend. Sweden intends to open U.S. military bases in the country, which is a direct equivalent of when Cuba provided Soviet military bases with weapons aimed at the U.S. mainland.
The risk of war is thus in no way due to any national Swedish interest. It is because of our politicians' constant desire to put themselves directly in the line of fire for the globalists' power games that there is a risk.
The fact that it will probably all be decided by who wins the presidential election in the United States later this year is, if anything, the ultimate proof that Sweden as a nation has no interest in war with Russia. Because if Donald Trump wins the presidential election, it is extremely unlikely that there will be a war anywhere because Trump has clearly stated that he will wind down the American proxy war in Ukraine and make a deal with Russia. If, on the other hand, President Joe Biden wins, the risk remains high because he is constantly surrounded by war-happy Jews, nekons and other hawks during his demented crusade against anyone who dares to challenge Washington's increasingly crumbling world domination.
Nordfront's readers understand what the war is all about
Another proof that there is no national Swedish interest in war against Russia is that Nordfront's readers themselves replied as early as July that they will not fight if they are called up for a NATO conflict. As many as 65 percent intend to refuse to fight for NATO because they see the military alliance as a threat to our people, while 15 percent believe that the "multicultural" state of Sweden is not worth defending.
Right now, a similar opinion poll is underway that asks more specifically whether readers will choose prison or war placement in the possible major war that politicians are seeking. The survey is still ongoing, but at the time of writing, over 60 percent of readers have responded that they would rather choose prison to avoid becoming a pawn in the globalists' game.
This is exactly what neither Supreme Commander Micael Bydén, Civil Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin nor for that matter Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson want to say: Sweden has no interest in a war against Russia. It is in Washington and in NATO's headquarters in Brussels, where aging gentlemen and ladies sit and dream of total globalist dominance, that the interest in sacrificing Sweden in the great globalist game exists.
NORDIC RESISTANCE MOVEMENT…Which side are we on in the Ukraine war?
BY SIMON LINDBERG - March 6, 2022
The leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement explains where the organisation stands on this important issue.
There may be some who think this article is almost a week late and should have been published last week. During the early stages of the Ukraine war, I initially believed it was not that important for the Nordic Resistance Movement to have an official opinion on the matter, and that the conflict was not affecting us and our struggle on the streets of the Nordic countries to a great extent at the time. Furthermore, others had already written and spoken about the war from various perspectives, both on nordicresistancemovement.org and the independent National Socialist news site Nordfront. As such, I simply did not view it as a priority to write the article you are now reading.
But naturally I understand there are other reasons that make the conflict of interest to us here and now, and that it could lead to consequences that may be decisive for us in the long term.
A lot of people have discussed our position on this issue and wondered where we stand. Strangely, some seem to have interpreted Robert Eklund’s excellent article or Nest 1’s action last weekend as proof that we are loyal to the globalists in the West and are therefore officially against Putin and Russia. Meanwhile, a number of our representatives have made comments that could be interpreted as having the inverse meaning, and some of our members have shared images of Russian flags on social media.
So where does the truth lie? Does the Nordic Resistance Movement side with Russia or Ukraine in the war?
In order to be able to answer this question in any way, it must initially be stated that it is extremely important to understand that the question is far from black and white or totally self-evident, and that it can be seen from many different perspectives.
On a purely emotional level, it is clearly not strange at all to feel sympathy for Ukraine and the Ukrainian population – on the contrary. Regardless of how decisive NATO’s provocations were in prompting Russia to initiate the war – which makes the question of guilt debatable, to say the least – it is clear that the Ukrainian people do not deserve to have their nation bombed into the ground. Ukraine is caught in a power struggle between empires, and however guilty Ukraine’s Jewish leader may be, no blame can be attributed to the working White Ukrainian people – those who now bleed and die on Ukrainian soil together with Russian enemy soldiers.
If you overlook the sphere of influence lurking behind Ukraine in the form of NATO, Israel and the Western world, it is obvious that Ukraine is a very small player in comparison to the gigantic superpower of Russia, and here, too, it is logical to sympathise with Ukraine. The Nordic Resistance Movement always directs its blows upwards; and considering the way the world looks today, it is incredibly unusual for us not to take the underdog’s side in any kind of power struggle.
Furthermore, it is not strange for a National Socialist to feel concerned when Putin states that one of the official reasons for Russia going to war is to “de-Nazify” Ukraine. Although this does not have exactly the same meaning as it would if Benjamin Netanyahu, Joe Biden or Magdalena Andersson were talking about smashing Nazism, it is still a statement that leaves a bitter taste in the mouth of nationalists, and instinctively leads to reduced faith in Putin and increased sympathy for Ukraine.
Meanwhile, the entire establishment in the Western world is attacking Russia in unison. The propaganda machine is in full swing in an effort to make the whole world hate Putin and take Ukraine’s side in the war. The same propaganda machine that wants nothing more than you as a White person to stop having children and instead focus on your career, race-mix or become homosexual. What this establishment wants you to think is often a very good indicator of what you should absolutely not think, and by this measure, Russia appears to be the side to support 100%.
From a global geopolitical perspective, if we theorise from the unlikely idea that this conflict will lead to a third world war, then all pro-Zionist liberal monster-nations like Great Britain, France, Germany, the United States and, of course, Israel itself would side with Ukraine, while more traditional and sovereign anti-Zionist forces would likely stand behind Russia. Mark my words when I say that the Nordic Resistance Movement will NEVER stand on the same side as Israel or the Zionist entity that the USA represents today – whatever the issue or conflict may be!
If we look at the situation from a revolutionary point of view, it is also natural to support Russia. By challenging the USA and the Western world, one acts against the status quo – the present situation that must be destroyed in order for any true changes to take place, and for us National Socialists to be able to make real progress. The more the current ruling powers are challenged, and the harder the world economy is combated, the greater the chance for widespread disruption, which is a necessity for the Nordic revolution to become fact. Please note that I do not mean the coming changes will necessarily be better for us; however, in the dramatic situation in which we find ourselves, we must see hope in every potential radical change that arises within the global environment.
Having presented these arguments, the reader probably believes that our sympathies lie mostly with Russia. As a counterpoint to this, I want to make it very clear that we do not see Putin as a good or decent person. The Russia of 2022 is by no means a nationalist-minded country. Putin is pro-Jewish, and Russia is a multiethnic and culturally mixed land. The National Socialists who operate within Russian borders are forced to endure severe repression from the state – much worse than we are faced with in Sweden and the Nordic countries. As such, the Nordic Resistance Movement would be far from satisfied if Sweden resembled Russia (even if that would make it better in some aspects).
Rather, the conclusion is that none of the conflicting sides are worth our official support. As a Nordic National Socialist, neither side is worth fighting and dying for. We will never stand behind Putin or Biden, or any of the puppets of big finance. This is also the conclusion Marcus Hansson drew in his fantastic article on Nordfront recently. Instead, we always stand on the side of the people – primarily our own Nordic people, but, by extension, all White people on the planet.
It is not Russians, Ukrainians or the Nordic people who benefit from bombs falling over Europe and from White people dying from one another’s bullets. No, those who desire conflict and directly benefit from war are instead, as always, the cosmopolitans who sell weapons to both sides and have enough influence and capital to become even richer and more powerful, regardless of which side stands victorious when peace returns. It is on the opposite side of these globalist and/or Zionist supervillains that we position ourselves. It is there that we have our eternal front!
But, if we had already been in a position of power in the Nordic lands, would we not have been forced to take a more pronounced stance than I have done (or have not done) in this article? No, not in the current situation, anyway. If the Nordic Resistance Movement had been in power, our Armed Forces would never have been dismantled – instead, we would have had a strong military force ready to defend the Nordic people and the Nordic territory to their last drop of blood. Thus we would not have needed to sign any agreement with NATO. We would not have had to fear any Russian expansion. And we could have manned our own cannons instead of relinquishing them to foreign powers.