The late former U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld would have made a much better president than George W. Bush, he really earned his position in society and wasn’t born into it, and unlike Bush, he could actually speak . . .
I wanted Bush to know that if he selected me I would not intend to simply preside over the department or agency. “Governor, if I were to serve in your administration I would be leaning forward,” I said. “If you would be uncomfortable with that, then I would be the wrong man for the job.”
(Known and Unknown, Leaning Forward, page 283.)
It took one hell of a lot of courage going unarmed to meet with the infamous, cowardly, paranoid villain Saddam Hussein . . . I would have been tempted to kill him and his two sons just for the notoriety and a reference on my resume. Despite Rumsfeld’s uninformed, ignorant, and misinformed lunatic fringe detractors, he had nothing to do with giving Saddam WMDs, especially if you are stupid enough to say there were none . . . Iraq used chemical weapons on the Iranians, Hans Blix admitted they came from Germany.
“If you look at the entire NATO Europe today, the center of gravity is shifting to the east.” — Donald Rumsfeld
Don Rumsfeld was also right when he made the other comment ‘Europe has shifted on its axis’, that’s just hard, cold German logic, and also an inadvertent admission on his part, that it was the wrong side who won WW2 . . . It is becoming clearer with each and every day, that had the USA helped Japan and Germany in the second world war, it would have eliminated today’s geopolitical dynamic . . . Die Deutsche Passion.
What has NATO done to defend Europe or Europeans?
Absolutely nothing.
NATO is actually facilitating the invasion of Europe, and by their own stated objectives on their website; NATO is an organization dedicated to the total eradication of native European peoples and their cultures.
NATO - an anti-white and anti-family institution . . . See for yourself the English translation of the Swedish Nordfront article at the bottom of this page, the links are from NATO’s own website.
And now NATO wants white European men to leave their homes to go fight a war for the Jewish military junta in Ukraine and fight more Middle Eastern wars for Israel while our own countries are being invaded by racial foreigners?
My enemies are not in Moscow, Damascus, Tehran, Riyadh, or in some ethereal Teutonic boogeyman, my enemies are in Washington, Brussels, and Tel Aviv . . . Pick up a magnifying glass, and the real problem appears . . .

If the Israelis are “God’s chosen people,” as they say, then God will protect them and doesn’t need the United States to, but their Golden Calf has Grown up to be a hollow Bronze Bull . . . No amount of theft from the US Treasury by their bought and paid for Shabbos Goy politicians will save Ukraine or Israel.
This crushing reality is starting sink in for the myopic, kikesucking Zionist ass-whores, they have discovered nobody is going to fight a war for them, and nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush.
The inside story on how US House Speaker Mike Johnson was flip-flopped in a string of betrayals on the recent government funding plan without any US border security and last week’s reauthorization of section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) - without a requirement of warrants for surveillance on American citizens, starts with his top policy adviser, Dan (((Ziegler))) . . . Every. Single. Time.
Ziegler, a lobbyist for big pharma, and his assorted clientele, have other interests vested in the Ukraine such as chemical and biological weapons, GMOs, . . . and fentanyl . . . Yes, I said fentanyl . . . Can’t blame all of it on the Chinese, why should they get all the profits, the US border is wide open.
Remember, it was the Jews who gave the communists their first atomic bomb . . . so, any rational solution to Islam would include a final solution to the Jewish question as well . . . If the Iranians nuke Israel, the Palestinian filth also dies in the fallout . . . then we have peace at last . . . karma is a bitch . . .
Jewish Bolshevism Throughout the World . . .
“Peace is Bolshevism’s worst enemy, which it must destroy in order to realize its plans for world domination. Thus, Bolshevism’s ever-repeated life and death declarations of battle against the whole of the world become all too understandable . . .”

Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelenski and his Jewish co-conspirators in Israel, the USA, and the UK started the war in Ukraine and organized terrorist attacks against Russian civilians . . . The IMF Jews are in bed with the Turks, Saudis, and NATO . . . The Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks, it is time to face the facts.
Jews Madeline Albright and Wesley Clark had NATO bomb Serbia so the IMF Jews could make loans for rebuilding and get control of Serbian iridium assets . . . while Saudi non-profit NGOs kept the KLA terrorists well fed and well-armed . . . Just like ISIS in Syria . . . Their Zionist bedfellows on Wall Street want Ukraine for GMO grain crops . . . Monsanto (now Bayer), Genentech, ADM, etc., are all buying land with the help of the Jews at the IMF by giving the Ukrainian “Dill” idiots debt relief . . .
Jewish IMF stooge Arseny Yatsenyuk, installed as the Ukrainian Prime Minister in the 2014 Maidan coup, also fought for Chechen Islamists against Russia . . . IMF = Israeli Military Fund
The whole Ukraine goes for sale -massive profit opportunities being created by the war . . . July 17, 2023
. . . a 2001 moratorium on the sale of land to foreigners had always represented an obstacle to unrestrained privatisation. As post-Maidan governments turned again to the IMF for financing, aid was conditioned on a series of land reforms that would finally allow foreign corporations to acquire vast tracts of the country’s farmland. In 2020, Zelenskyy gave in to the IMF’s demands and finally repealed the moratorium.
“Agribusiness interests and oligarchs will be the primary beneficiaries of such reform,” said Olena Borodina of the Ukrainian Rural Development Network. “This will only further marginalise smallholder farmers and risks severing them from their most valuable resource.” But the World Bank could barely contain its excitement, gushing: “This is, without exaggeration, a historic event.” Even though the new law isn’t set to come into force until next year, US and Western European agrobusinesses have already bought up millions of hectares of Ukraine’s farmland — with 10 private companies reportedly controlling most of it.
Holocaust is from the Greek holos “whole” is where we get holistic and hologram, and kaustos, “burnt,” . . . Holodomor is from golod in Slavic, meaning “hunger” or “famine,” and mor, meaning “plague, pestilence, killing, extermination” from morit’ meaning to kill or exterminate, originally from the Proto-Indo-European root *mer-, “to die” whence we also get Latin morior and its descendants such as French mort and English murder, the similarity to “Holocaust” is why Holodomor is not written Golodomor in English . . . It helps to draw attention, making any opposition anti-scum-itic. As usual.
Volodymyr Lenin established a Jewish regime that slaughtered well over 66 million ethnic Europeans . . . as the leader of the newly formed Soviet Union, while waving banners and promoting the power of communist ideals, Lenin realized that in the post-war devastation, his army needed to be fed. Ukraine with all its fertile lands and well-developed farming was destined to become the source of food for his Soviet Red Army . . . In the 1920s, even with their miracles of communism, Soviet Russia witnessed great shortages of food.
These Holodomor genocides alone resulted in a death toll of 16.5 million, the kidnappings, torture and cannibalism taking place under the Jewish Bolshevik regime were orchestrated by Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, Jewish chief of the NKVD secret police.
Beria also headed the Soviet atomic bomb project and created a special department within the NKVD called “Department S” to consolidate ongoing atomic research and development efforts. Beria’s double role granted him access to intelligence on the Manhattan Project collected from Jewish spies such as Harry Gold, Julius Rosenberg, and Ethel Rosenberg
Communism is a Jewish ideology from London, as Karl Marx spent most of his life there under his father’s assumed surname, Marx descended from a paternal and maternal lineage of rabbinical families . . . Vladimir Lenin’s birth name was Volodymyr Ilyich Ulyanov, Leon Trotsky was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein, and Josef Stalin was born Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili . . . and Dzhugashvili means “son of a Jew” in Yiddish . . .
“If it is ‘Anti-Semitism’ to say that Communism in the United States is Jewish, so be it. But to the unprejudiced mind it will look very much like ‘Americanism’. Communism all over the world―and not only in Russia―is Jewish.” ― Henry Ford

Americans Have Invaded Kursk inside Russia
Posted Aug 21, 2024 by Martin Armstrong
Last June, Biden lifted the ban on American contractors sending mercenaries into Ukraine. When he lifted the ban on American weapons, allowing them to be deployed inside Russia, this was another step that de facto allowed these private American military operations to invade Russia pretending it is not the official United States. I have warned that the Neocons are scared to death of Trump, and if RFK joins Trump as the Attorney General, as I have been arguing behind the curtain, they are desperate to start World War III before the election.
Sources are reporting that Stephanie Holmes, the US Chargé d’Affaires in Russia, was summoned to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to explain why Americans have invaded Russia with the invasion of the Ukrainian Army into the Kursk region. By 2008, the US Department of Defense employed 155,826 private contractors in Iraq — and 152,275 troops. This degree of privatization is unprecedented in modern warfare. The Neocons used Biden to circumvent Congress to create World War III, deploying private armies to negate Congressional approval.
Indeed, Russia has an opportunity to now annihilate the entire invading force, including Americans, by deploying a small tactical nuclear weapon inside its own borders. Nobody can say anything about that, and Russia would be within its right to do so just as if Chinese, Russian, or North Korean private military invaded the United States.
September has been a significant target on our computer all year for civil unrest and international war. Gold’s performance appears linked to this action, whereas silver and platinum have not responded. While gold may peak by next week, September remains a major Panic Cycle in many markets, including gold. Russia is certainly within its right to use whatever means necessary to eradicate this invading force. If it does not respond on its own territory, then it would only invite a full-scale NATO invasion.
These Neocons are traitors to the United States and the future of our nation, all for their personal hatred of Russians.
NATO - an anti-white and anti-family institution . . .
Author: Simon Holmqvist
Published: 06-07-2023 09:45
GLOBALISM • The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, is institutionally an anti-white and anti-family organization. This is what the politicians in the Riksdag, including SD, want to force on the people over their heads.
After the apocalypse in 1945, a number of global organizations have been formed with the aim of maintaining and expanding totalitarian liberalism. One of the earliest organizations formed for this purpose was the military alliance "North Atlantic Treaty Organization", or NATO, which can be seen as the military arm of globalism.
In addition to assuring that Washington always has international support for its military campaigns, NATO as an institution is explicitly anti-white and explicitly dedicated to "racial justice" for racial aliens living in white countries. As early as 1999, NATO authored reports blaming nationalists for a number of modern problems and warning of the influence of nationalism.
In 2023, the alliance held a summit at its headquarters in Brussels on race where the leaders of the alliance vowed to combat "homogeneous attitudes" and to use NATO's "collective intelligence" for the purpose.
In fact, NATO is so dedicated to its anti-white agenda that it openly advocates that institutions must be redesigned to become "inclusive," in other words, restructured to become more anti-white and consist of fewer white employees and managers.
NATO is also a thoroughly feminist war alliance and, like the governments of many of its member states, advocates sending white women to war and fighting in the place of men. Women in the military are not only at risk of underachievement given their limited physique; Placing women in units also risks breaking up the unity and brotherhood that is desired to emerge among armed forces.
Recently, NATO has also presented a long list of reports on how societies must not only accept homosexual and transsexual degeneration, but also embrace it and offer these people "a strong dignity".
When the "International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia" was celebrated in early June, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg promised military protection of the gay lobby's agenda.
Thus, NATO is not a protector of the West, but a military alliance that actively fights against race, family, and marriage—the foundations on which the entire Western civilization rests.
Moreover, as a military alliance, NATO has taken a leading role in attacking the pillars of our civilisation. In 2002, only one NATO country had legalized gay marriage, yet NATO gave full benefits to all gay couples among its employees, thus becoming a global pioneer in equating these relationships with heterosexual marriage.
Out of a total of 31 NATO countries, 17 have today fully legalized homosexual "marriage", another 7 have legalized "civil partnerships" while Slovakia and Poland have a corresponding cohabitation law for homosexual couples. At present, only Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey among NATO countries have no legal "recognition" of non-heterosexual relationships. Both Bulgaria and Croatia define marriage as "a union between a man and a woman" in their respective constitutions, although Croatia nevertheless allows registered "partnerships" among homosexuals.
Lobby groups want to "punish" disobedient NATO countries internally
At the same time, those NATO countries that do not adhere to NATO's "values" are under severe pressure on a regular basis, especially those countries that have also joined the EU. The NATO-linked organization ATA, which is led by former NATO employees, has even gone so far as to publish an article demanding that NATO punish member states that do not implement what it calls the "rights" of gay and transgender people. Specifically, Hungary has been singled out for not adhering to NATO's "values". The article complains about Hungarian laws that restrict gay lobby propaganda:
Not only does this law violate human rights, it also goes against NATO's minimum membership requirements, which require member states to "uphold democracy, including tolerance and diversity" and treat minorities fairly. Although these membership requirements are not binding, Hungary's actions violate NATO's equality and diversity policy, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender. NATO needs to respond to these human rights violations and discrimination among its member states.
Not only does NATO devote a large part of its funding and personnel to advocating "diversity and inclusion" – it does so under the guise of being crucial to the functioning and survival of the military alliance and provides, among other things, official "gender advisers" to high-ranking NATO leaders.
Sweden as a state, and the Swedish Armed Forces as a military organization, have long not only accepted these ideas but fully implemented them in their activities. In this way, NATO membership does not necessarily imply any short-term changes on these issues from our politicians and military leaders.
But through NATO membership, this is integrated into a global, military system that constitutes yet another obstacle for Sweden to go another way and break away from the anti-people and anti-family ideology that has plagued our institutions. This means a military occupation by a Washington-led war alliance that for 80 years has used its enormous capital of violence to impose its misanthropic ideas on the whole world.
This war alliance has Sweden's politicians (including the Riksdag's Sweden Democrats, which many national voters voted for) chosen to impose on our country over the heads of the people. On the rare occasions when the issue of a referendum was raised in the public debate, this was dismissed as "unnecessary" or even "inappropriate" with reference to "the deteriorating security situation".
But even if a referendum had been held in Sweden, the NATO propaganda from all mainstream media has been so dense that it has probably been ensured that a majority of voters have already integrated the lie that NATO is a guarantee of our security into their own worldview.
NATO is an anti-white, anti-family and misogynistic organization that must not only be kept out of the Nordic region, but also stopped.
The anti-Nordic homosexual lobby is often described as being “Cultural Marxist”, but what is Cultural Marxism? Where did it come from, and what are its goals?
If the Israelis are “God’s chosen people,” as they say, then God will protect them and doesn’t need the United States to,
💯% this.👆