Did a NATO Tranny Pilot Kill Russian Ice Skaters? (North Atlantic Transgender Organization, part 2)
The US Army Blackhawk helicopter did NOT have its transponder on and was designated as a Priority Air Transport which means that there was a high-ranking military official on board . . . Aircraft have two transponders, so if one fails, the other takes over . . . It has to manually be turned off.
“In its final move, why did PAT25 military helicopter turn off its GPS, fly directly towards the jet that was on approach for ~10 seconds, not respond when asked if they had the jet in sight, and then increase its altitude +200ft just before impacting the jet that was on final approach and in the helicopter pilot's full view? Seems very unusual and concerning/suspicious.”
Murder-suicide, terrorist attack, angry tranny, or simply somebody who just hates Russians?
‘Enquiring minds would like to know’.
“I’m seeing commentary on social media that the American Airlines and U.S. Army helicopter crash near the Ronald Reagan Airport happened because of President Trump defunding DEI in the federal government.”
I retort, you deride . . .
Twitter Headquarters was on Market Street in the gayest most perverted city in California, San Franshitsco (sic) . . . it is Nasty Pelosi’s and Gavin Newsome’s festering fecal homeland, where Jew Howard Levey (a.k.a. Anton Lavey) started his gay Church of Satan . . . Satan is a Hebrew god . . . Satanism is a Jewish cult . . . Just a cohen-cidence?
When Alexander Dugin and his daughter, Darya, civilians, were deliberately targeted with a car bomb by the Jewish terrorist regime in Ukraine, headed by Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky; we were supposed to believe Ukraine is a democratic country, whose popular president was elected, in a free and fair election, and Ukraine was completely justified committing terrorist attacks targeting Russian civilians because Russians have been deemed to be fascist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, antisemitic, holocaust deniers by Jewish terrorists and the kike-sucking Zionist ass-whores of the North Atlantic Transgender Organization.
Ukraine's ambassador to the Vatican, Andrei Yurash criticized Pope Francis for describing Daria Dugina as an innocent victim: “How is it possible to mention any of the ideologues of imperialism as an innocent victim?”
Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky suspended elections in Ukraine, if he wasn’t being protected by the British SAS and funded by the global Zionist banking cartels, he would have been dead months ago. Not only did Israelite Zelensky cancel elections, but he also banned opposition parties and closed Orthodox churches . . .
The U.S. State Department has been infested with communists since WW1 and Woodrow Wilson, they tried to steal the Russian elections for their comrades in the Russian Communist Party through non-profit NGOs, just like at home in America, but Vladimir Putin defeated them, so they launched a faggot jihad against the Russian Orthodox Church over the punk rock band and the Sochi Olympics, which is something U.S. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) stupidly piled onto . . . Miss neo-kabbalah lesbian Madonna, now rumored to be a Muslim convert, was flown in to agitate when Hillary Clinton went on a world-wide gay pride tour.
. . . And while U.S Secretary of Defense Leon Puñettas (sic) was busy with gay pride celebrations at the Pentagon, two Navy Seals, a U.S. Airman, and a U.S. Ambassador were murdered, all because everyone was being so fucking gay.
Two or three groups of assholes calling each other fascists and nazis would be a hysterically hilarious spectacle for a European national socialist, if it wasn’t for the idea that they all wish to draw generations of Europeans into a devastating worldwide military conflict, and the fact that they are all invasive, racially hostile foreign ideologies.
What has NATO done to defend Europe or Europeans?
Absolutely nothing.
NATO is actually facilitating the invasion of Europe, and by their own stated objectives on their website; NATO is an organization dedicated to the total eradication of native European peoples and their cultures.
NATO - an anti-white and anti-family institution . . . See for yourself my English translation of the Swedish Nordfront article, the links are from NATO’s own website . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/i/107595877/nato-an-anti-white-and-anti-family-institution
And now NATO wants white European men to leave their homes to go fight a war for the Jewish military junta in Ukraine, fight more Middle Eastern wars for Israel while our own countries are being invaded by racial foreigners, and they corrupt white children with perverted Jewish ideologies?
Jewish Loot and Neglected Fruit: How the Mainstream Right Serves Jews and Betrays Whites . . .
. . . As Kenneth Vinther pointed out in his review of Scott Howard’s The Transgender-Industrial Complex (2020) at Counter Currents, transgenderism is a thoroughly kosher campaign: “at the top of the [transgender] pyramid rests a series of charming Jewish billionaires like George Soros, Paul Singer, Dan Loeb, Seth Klarman, Jennifer Pritzker, David Gelbaum, Andrew Shechtel, Sheldon Adelson, Loren Schecter, Martine Rothblatt, David T. Rubin, and Mark Hyman, to name a few.”
“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” “wokery,” etc., etc., etc., ad nausea; are deceptive nomenclatures employed for concealing the facts about the Jews and the Frankfurt School . . .
“The Frankfurt School adapted Karl Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western (white) men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.
Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.”
The anti-Nordic homosexual lobby is often described as being “Cultural Marxist”, but what is Cultural Marxism? Where did it come from, and what are its goals? https://nordicresistancemovement.org/what-is-cultural-marxism
Did a NATO Tranny Pilot Kill Russian Ice Skaters?
Will France’s Tranny Granny start World War III?
I’m also thinking the Candace Owens video on France’s Tranny Granny Brigitte Macron, is what actually got her booted from The Daily Wire . . .
Will France’s Tranny Granny start World War III?
By David Hiscox - March 26, 2024
Every normal person who sees this knows it is fake and gay.
Recently, Candace Owens potentially exposed just how fake and gay the marriage of French President Emmanuel Macron to “wife” “Brigitte” really is.
I am reposting the Candace Owens video on Brigitte Macron, since there are some indications that that is what actually got her booted from Daily Wire… https://t.co/Hk62DaAsaN pic.twitter.com/O89Rz6wcw6
— Quidnam (@Quidnam) March 22, 2024
Here are the dot points:
“Brigitte” was born Jean-Michel and “transitioned” at age 30 to “become” female.
Photos released attempting to “debunk” the “conspiracy theory” always turn out to be of other people.
No photos have been released of Brigitte from the first 30 years of her life.
Nobody can find any trace of her “brother” or former “husband”.
“Brigitte” is a dead ringer of said “brother”.
Mainstream French journalists have been sued by the “first lady” and fined, and threatened by police for investigating the story.
Intriguingly, Owens just lost her job.
It could all be nonsense, and honestly, I don’t really care. Similarly you, dear reader may ask “Why does this matter?”
This has blackmail written all over it. We know courtesy of extensive research by Whitney Webb that Jeffrey Epstein was a Mossad agent who blackmailed Western politicians on behalf of his home country. The Epstein spy ring was just the latest in a long line of blackmail operations, and as Owens has also exposed, blackmail dominates the music industry too.
Blackmail is the decisive factor regarding who is chosen to rule in “democratic” countries. It is why politicians always promise to do things the electorate actually wants when they’re on the election trail, then they implement the policies of their masters once they get in.
The sexually perverted are the easiest to blackmail, hence why political leaders behave like sexual perverts in public.
This is where the Macrons fit in. Even if the tranny story is complete nonsense they are eminently blackmailable given Emmanuel’s age when they first met. The Rothschild banker has overseen Covid Tyranny and the continued multicultural dismantling of the French nation. If “Brigitte” is a man it brings the blackmail to a whole new level. Drama teacher “Brigitte” did not fall in love with a youthful Emmanuel Macron in a Mrs. Robinson-style affair. Instead, the pervert Jean-Michel groomed Emmanuel.
Still, one may say “How does this matter? I just want to be left alone.”
This matters because World War III will not leave you alone:
Several days ago international media reported that France could send 20,000 troops to the Ukraine within a month. It is now being reported that French, German and Polish troops (regular army, not mercenaries) are already in the Ukrainian theatre.
The Russian government is indicating it is preparing to escalate actions directly against NATO members in response, including conducting nuclear tests, enforcing a no-fly zone over the Black Sea, conducting air patrols close to NATO’s border, and actual strikes against NATO military bases and supply centres.
It is worth heeding Dr. David Hilton’s warning regarding the potential of an EMP attack, and consider that a nuclear test would be the perfect pretext with which to carry out such an attack.
It could mean direct war between Russia and NATO, or they may find a way to just keep stringing it along. It may not mean nukes yet. Basically though, it’s on. Expect this, but in Western Europe.
Russian cruise missile strikes largest dam plus energy facilities in Ukraine.
Over a MILLION people cut off from power in Ukraine.
The dam holds back almost 1 trillion gallons of water.
Ukraine’s largest dam hit but no danger of breach yet.
March 22, 2024… pic.twitter.com/OSWXFaavTM
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) March 23, 2024
Even the YouTube algorithm is now selling not just perversion to the normies, but war between France and Russia as an added bonus.
This is why I have used the term “Tranny Granny” in the same headline as “World War III”. Look at the map of France and Russia:
France going to war with Russia makes as much sense as the still youthful President of France being married to a woman in her 70’s. Unless they are both blokes, they’re both perverts, and Macron is being blackmailed to carry out a foreign policy which directly contradicts France’s national interest.
Consider that twice in recent years, news emerged that leading elements within the French military were deeply dissatisfied with the demographic and security deterioration in France, with suggestions that a coup may be possible in order to avoid civil war. Now they’re supposed to be turning their guns on other White men several countries away?
France’s enemy is internal, not over 1000 miles away. It is an enemy deliberately imported by its own government.
Consider the bigger picture of why the Globohomo West is engaged in a direct strategic struggle against Russia and China, with a proxy war in Taiwan just as likely to erupt in coming years. It does not make sense, unless you understand that the people directing the foreign policy of White countries are not Whites, but dual citizen neocons who are deliberately replacing the people they rule over.
They don’t care if they replace Whites over the course of several decades via mass immigration and enforced multiculturalism, or if they feed us piecemeal into the Ukrainian meat-grinder. Either way, we’re gone.
That is the objective.