“They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blonde hair, I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not become deadly to the human race. They have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. They deserve to be punished, for this is their destiny. The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred towards all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous; cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.”

— François-Marie Voltaire,

Lettres de Memmius à Cicéron (1771)

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I am glad to see your stack has survived the purges so far. I just got banned by substacker "Caitlin Johnston" for just expressing my belief that the trans-national Jew cabal is of course responsible for the ongoing genocide in Palestine and the US is nothing more than a wholly owned stepnfetchit useful goyim in the endeavor. She called my viewpoint "infantile" and said she was banning me because she does not tolerate people spreading "dogshit" in her substack. I get this much pushback just for a couple of random posts on some random substack. Makes me appreciate your open candor and the information you share that much more. Keep on keeping on, Sir.

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2nd Smartest Guy in the World Substack banned me regarding the JQ.

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He's a kikesucker too . . . NATO is anti-white, it says so right on their own website . . .

All of those links in the Nordfront article I reposted go directly to the NATO website.

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He banned me within 2 minutes of just pointing out some actual facts. I do think there are Substacks that are controlled and intentionally racking up fear. The whole system is anti-White now. It's good to see many coming together and speaking out on it. They want us dead, and we know it. They're playing a dangerous game.

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“Russia has been and remains stronghold of traditional values, our choice is shared by majority of people in the world. The West is deliberately destroying moral norms & institutions of family, while Russia chooses life.” — Vladimir Putin

Article in Swedish . . . https://nordfront.se/putin-vissa-lander-vill-utrota-sin-egen-befolkning

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I was banned by Caitlin Johnstone for highlighting the very same thing, including with the following comment:

Here is Mosab Hassan Yousef, the co-author of the book “Son of Hamas” (with ghost writer Ron Brackin). He seems very smug and comfortable with his audience at the Jerusalem Post.

• "Son Of Hamas" aka "Green Prince" speaks at Jerusalem Post 2016 Conference


He writes, amongst other red flags:

“Two weeks later, on September 11, nineteen Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four jetliners in the United States. Two crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City. Another crashed into the Pentagon in Washington. And the fourth went down in a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.”


“The [Park Hotel] explosion killed 30 people and wounded about 140 others. Some were Holocaust survivors.”


“On March 29, I checked into the City Inn Hotel on Nablus Road in Al-Bireh, where the BBC, CNN, and the rest of the international media were housed.”


“[…] I told them. “They’re New York Times best sellers. [] They’re just stories about human experiences.””


“[…] that same month I started a job in the Capacity-Building Office of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Village Water and Sanitation Program, headquartered in Al-Bireh. Long title, I know, but then again, it was a very important project.”


“My job with USAID gave me a certain amount of protection and freedom as well. And the Shin Bet always had my back.”


I guess there are some truths that Caitlin Johnstone does not want revealed.

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I got banned be several Substack writers for noticing in their comment sections. I never even wrote anything vile or absurd, mostly just questions and statement of fact. People really are going indoctrinated and have been trained to be especially sensitive to anything approaching the JQ, most are very compliant.

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Agreed - it is revealing to go back and read through the conversations where I was banned- to see how much everyone is so careful to avoid the JQ as you call it- using all the safe phrases like "Deep State", "Black Nobility", even "lizard people" - anything but the actual truth we all are seeing with increasing clarity. The chilling effect of hysterical woke censorship - people afraid to speak out about the wholesale slaughter of innocents, the decades long infiltration, subversion, looting and controlled demolition of our country -our entire culture from within, instead making nervous insinuating jokes, vague cryptic comments, minding their words to keep from being singled out.

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“The entire substance of the priesthood and of the whole of Christianity is, I am firmly convinced, an erotic union of men (Männerbund) for the erection and maintenance of this 2,000-year old Bolshevism.

I reach that conclusion because I know very well the history of Christianity in Rome. I am of the conviction that the Roman emperors, who eradicated (ausrotteten) the first Christians, did exactly the same thing that we are doing with the communists.

These Christians were then the worst yeast which the great city contained, the worst Jewish people, the worst Bolsheviks that there were.” ― Heinrich Himmler

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Caitlin Johnston . . . yes . . . I dumped her a little while ago . . . she was a subscriber for a bit.

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interesting she was a subscriber to your stack - and yet purports to be so digusted by my "vile" comments regarding the special people that she felt compelled to ban me. I smell a rat.

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If the Iranians nuke Israel, the Palestinian filth also dies in the fallout . . . then we have peace at last.

Caitlin Johnstone . . . she's a leftist Palestinian sucker . . . she mistook me for one . . .

I like the Palestinians about as much as I like the Jews, which is not at all.

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so wow what happened? I thought I was reading a letter from my Uncle Herbie (RIP).. don't get so upset.. and have a great day. I was just reviewing my Heritage just lots of errors in there,,sigh and my long family line in Prussia.; Marsburg.. and my eyes too bleary right now; I had cataract surgery and it feels like the left eye implant is blurreing.. so.. I can read all that .. take care. CHILL.. .dude Anyway: HAVE BLESSED DAY.. and PRAISE THE LORD, I am from a long time Germanic Lutheran family but I tired of hearing about all history.. so just turn that page. Take care Isabell

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“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther


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The jew can not have his Golden City until all other races are subdued. His ancient enemy is the Children of Nod,where Cain was exiled to after killing Able.

Like it or not, this scurvy breed of parasitic creatures hates White males.

All you have to do is watch a few TV commercials.

The White male is nonexistent.

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Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are death cults from the Middle East and do not belong in Europe.

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Gott Mit Uns = Съ нами Богъ

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Judaism, Christianity, Islam: all derived from the radical monotheism of the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten. It was he who depicted himself receiving the stone tablets (simply cartouches without the extra little horizontal extension lines in the bottom) inscribed with the Ten Commandments, directectly from Aten, the Sun God. His grandfather was Pharaoh Thutmoses (shortened into Moses and garbled over the rears to apply to Akhenaten himself. The Red Sea was actually the Sea of Reeds, itself a misnomer of a very reedy stretch of the Nile River, where the wind sometimes blows just right and actually pushes the water out of the river temporarily, leaving the bottom closed and the banks dry. It was at this bend in the river that Akhenaten chose to build his brand new capital city, Amarna, in which he and his wife Nefertiti worshipped “The One God” in roofless temples. Amarna was abandoned and put as far out of mind as possible by theEfyptian people as soon as Akhenaten died, but the unique episode in human history unfortunately lives on in garbled myths and legends that later became the Abrahamic religions.

All three are simply derivatives of Pharaoh Akhenaten’s radical ideas, heretical against the native religion of his day. And they have all spent the centuries arguing about whose interpretation of “god” is the correct one. Turns out the whole basis for their beliefs and the fighting is a trio of garbled memories gleaned from people who hated the radical new religious ideology dreamed up by one of their kings, and mixed with tribal customs and local interpretations of older local stories, nothing more. So we can put all three religions into the ash heap of history and move on, as far as I’m concerned.

But, humans being human, no doubt we’ll just invent something else to fight about…

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Monotheism (extra-terrestrial higher entity) is humanity's maximus peccatum and may well lead to their final demise ...

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Yes, the Urantia Book published in Louis Farrakhan's hometown of Chicago . . . that opens another wormhole spiraling off into oblivion . . . William Samuel Sadler went to Europe and studied psychiatry under Sigmund Freud.

Seventh Day Adventism was banned in the Third Reich.

Maybe that's where Farrakhan got his story about being on a spaceship and Marjorie Taylor Greene got the Jewish space laser theory?

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Lot's of facts presented here. It's said "Those you cannot speak against is the ones that control you". I watched a video that linked every major porn site with ownership in Israel. The Elders of Zion is said to be a deep conspiracy theory but it sure seems to be playing out before our eyes. Those with time may want to watch "The Greatest story never told" https://odysee.com/@Inconvenient-Truths:3/Adolf-Hitler---The-Greatest-Story-Never-Told--FULL-6.5-HOUR-DOCUMENTARY-:4?sunset=lbrytv George Soros was supposed to go to Auschwitz but avoided it and further helped the Nazi cause. Said he had no regrets or guilt and said he also likes to toy with people and countries. He is regarded as a Philanthropist and is behind Open Society which is against borders so therefore every country of the West and especially the US is being invaded by migrants. They are telling born citizens they are their replacements and many are Islam & Muslim saying Sharia law will soon become the law of the land and because of everyone having small families and them taking up multiple wives and having large families they will take over these countries.

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Jews and Muslims have similar roots and customs . . .

“You shall put all of the males to the sword. You may, however, take as your booty the women, the children and the livestock, and everything in the town – all of its spoil – and enjoy the use of the spoil of your enemy which the Lord gives unto you.” — Deuteronomy 20:13

“The Messenger said, ‘If the disbelievers do not accept Islam, kill them, loot them and rape their women.’ And thus, advance Islam and strengthen Islam.” — Al-Bukhaari, Vol. 4, Book 54, Hadith 464

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Islam and Marxism have a common ideological root: Judaism.

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I'm a pagan.

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The Bible is bullshit.

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“The entire substance of the priesthood and of the whole of Christianity is, I am firmly convinced, an erotic union of men (Männerbund) for the erection and maintenance of this 2,000-year old Bolshevism.” ― Heinrich Himmler

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Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are death cults from the Middle East and do not belong in Europe.

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