Pam Bondi, Trump’s attorney general pick, wants FBI to question pro-Hamas protesters?
Two or three groups of assholes calling each other fascists and nazis would be an almost hysterically hilarious spectacle for a European national socialist, if it wasn’t for the idea that they all wish to draw generations of Europeans into a devastating worldwide military conflict, and the fact that they are all invasive, racially hostile foreign ideologies.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are death cults originating in the Middle East and totally alien to Europe and its peoples.
For the most part, Muslims are only doing what the Israelites have taught them for the last 3000 years . . . it is in their scriptures . . .
“You shall put all of the males to the sword. You may, however, take as your booty the women, the children and the livestock, and everything in the town – all of its spoil – and enjoy the use of the spoil of your enemy which the Lord gives unto you.” — Deuteronomy 20:13
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came running to the rescue when senile Joe Biden announced he was dropping out of the presidential race. In a speech before a joint session of Congress on July 25, 2024, Netanyahu stated:
“President Biden and I have known each other for over forty years. I want to thank him for half a century of friendship to Israel and for being, as he says, a proud Zionist.” ― Benjamin Netanyahu
And, as paisano (fellow countryman) Gerald Celente observed, they all clapped and barked like trained seals, Republicans and Democrats alike.
Palestinians are the same ethnic group as the Israelites, they behave in the same way, it's in their DNA . . . If the Palestinians had attacked Israeli military targets on 7 OCT 2023 and took their land back, which, I do agree was stolen from them, instead of squandering their opportunity with trivial sexual assaults on women, murdering children, petty theft, and vandalism, we might have a different outcome than what we have now . . .
Benjamin Netanyahu tried rigging the already corrupt Israeli courts so he couldn't be prosecuted for numerous criminal activities, and despite the mass protests in Israel, it looks like the 7 OCT 2023 slaughter of sacrificial lambs by the homicidal hijab wearing douchebags just might have done the trick.
Hamas was either totally incompetent and squandered their opportunity, or they were complicit; the six-hour delay in a response to the Oct. 7 attack by the Israeli government, on the surface, also shows incompetence . . . but IT WAS THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT WHO HELPED CREATE HAMAS AS A BUFFER AGAINST THE P.L.O. (Palestinian Liberation Organization) IN THE FIRST PLACE.
When Alexander Dugin and his daughter, Darya, civilians, were deliberately targeted with a car bomb by the Jewish terrorist regime in Ukraine, headed by Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky; we were supposed to believe Ukraine is a democratic country, whose popular president was elected, in a free and fair election, and Ukraine was completely justified committing terrorist attacks targeting Russian civilians because Russians have been deemed to be fascist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, antisemitic, holocaust deniers by Jewish terrorists and the kike-sucking Zionist ass-whores of the North Atlantic Transgender Organization.
Notice how Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky suspended elections in Ukraine, if he wasn’t being protected by the British SAS and funded by the global Zionist banking cartels, he would have been dead months ago. Not only did Israelite Zelensky cancel elections, but he also banned opposition parties and closed Orthodox churches.
Erstwhile Muslims Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), have every right to say what they like about Israel and the genocide of Palestinians as elected members of the US House of Representatives; they never took an oath to serve Israel . . . or did they?
Former US lawmaker Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) said every candidate for Congress has to sign a pledge to support Israel:
The hypocritical lofty principles of U.S. House Resolution 845 to censure Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) for supposedly promoting false narratives should be applied across the whole of the United States Congress, especially with the false narratives about Russia and Ukraine, which could endanger the entire planet with a thermonuclear war.
Likewise, Ilhan Omar (D-MN) being called to the carpet (or prayer rug) for intimating she represented Somali interests’ kind of rings hollow when the rest of Congress represents Israeli interests and the security of every other border on the planet but those of the United States.
The hasbara kvetching over Pam Bondi replacing former Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz as Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general is nothing short of comical, I’m paraphrasing their collective Kommie Kosher Kvetching . . .
‘Pam Bondi, president-elect Donald Trump’s new nominee to lead the Justice Department, has touted her pro-Israel credentials and supposedly called out antisemitism on the left. She has said less, at least in public, about threats to Jews from the right’.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who next year will join the Senate, wrote on X: “She will have to answer those questions and a lot more during her confirmation hearings.”
Clinton Whistleblower: FEDS Investigating Adam Schiff’s Disturbing Behavior at Ed Buck’s Meth & Sex House . . .
But She Feels it in Her Kishkes . . .
Former Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL), who is Jewish, expressed high praise for Bondi, telling Jewish Insider that “she’s super qualified,” will be “the nicest, kindest attorney general ever” and cares deeply about the Jewish community.
He said that, despite their political differences, “when it comes to the interests of the Jewish community and having an attorney general that will fight for the protection of the Jewish community, we could not do better than Pam Bondi.”
“She is somebody whose heart and soul is sensitive to the interests of the Jewish community,” Wexler said. “I know firsthand that acts of antisemitism pain her. She feels it in her kishkes, the hurt that antisemitism causes, and she will be a vigilant, never-ending fighter to prevent hatred against the Jewish community.”
Philip Giraldi became antisemite of the decade when he wrote . . . “The only alternative is for American citizens who are tired of having their country's national security interests hijacked by a group that is in thrall to a foreign government is to become more assertive about what is happening.”
In the same article, Giraldi wrote that American Jews who lack any shred of integrity appear on television and should be labeled, “kind-of-like a warning label on a bottle of rat poison.”
Jeffrey Epstein’s lawyer kvetched . . .
“In other words, Jewish supporters of Israel, like [Bill] Kristol and me, should have to wear the modern-day equivalent of a yellow star before we are allowed to appear on TV.” ― Alan Dershowitz
Candace Owens was crowned ‘Antisemite of the Year’ by a watchdog group for supposedly likening pro-Israel organizations to the activist group Black Lives Matter, which she believes accuses people of white supremacy to ‘amass power’ rather than combat racism.
But she wasn’t wrong . . . A convicted Jewish terrorist was sitting on the board of a fundraising organization for Black Lives Matter.
Former Rep. Matthew Gaetz (R-FL) withdrew himself from consideration Nov. 21, amid controversy over reports that he had sexual relations with a minor, he used illegal drugs, among other allegations concerning his refusal to support: . . . 1., a bill that would require the soon to be defunct Department of Education to codify the inane International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism, as well as; . . . 2., emergency funding for the war criminals Volodymyr Zelensky and Benjamin Netanyahu.
Joe Biden’s Department of Justice, headed by Jew Merrik Garland, closed a sex trafficking investigation into Gaetz without charges last year, and out of all those men flying down there down there to Mossad operative Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Saint James Island on the Lolita Express, Biden’s Justice Department has one Israelite woman in jail, who was a former Disney employee . . . Ghislaine Maxwell.
Published 6:05 PM EDT, Mon July 1, 2024 . . .
Fort Lauderdale, Florida (AP) — Florida prosecutors heard graphic testimony about how the late millionaire and financier Jeffrey Epstein sexually assaulted teenage girls two years before they cut a plea deal, according to transcripts released Monday of the 2006 grand jury investigation.
The transcripts were at the center of a court battle for about a decade after media investigations into Epstein’s ties to the rich and the powerful seems to have allowed him to continue to rape and sex traffic teenagers without ever being sent to prison or serving a serious jail term.
Where were the Attorney Generals of the United States over the past several decades concerning the voluminous number of international cases involving human trafficking, and thousands of pederasts in the Catholic clergy?
Where were the Attorney Generals of the United States over the past several decades concerning the abuse of children in Hollywood, USA?
Where were the Attorney Generals of the United States over the past several decades concerning the deliberate indifference and reckless disregard by elected officials protecting the country from invasion, drug trafficking and sex trafficking of minors across the US border(s)?
Where was Joe Biden’s Jewish director of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas for the last four years? Enquiring minds would like to know . . .
Sono costretto a scrivere in più lingue perché: 1. Alla maggior parte delle persone negli Stati Uniti è stato fatto il lavaggio del cervello per credere che gli ebrei siano la loro salvezza; e 2. il loro inglese fa merda e non riescono a stare in silenzio abbastanza a lungo per ascoltare o vedere cosa sta succedendo intorno a loro . . . Penso che le elezioni siano una bufala, solo uno spettacolo, i media sono di proprietà degli ebrei. Il comunismo è un'ideologia ebraica originaria di Londra, dove Marx trascorse la maggior parte della sua vita.
Il giudeo-messianismo diffonde tra noi il suo messaggio velenoso da quasi duemila anni. Gli universalismi democratico e comunista sono più recenti, ma hanno solo rafforzato la vecchia narrativa ebraica. Sono gli stessi ideali.
Gli ideali transnazionali, transrazziali, transessuali, transculturali che queste ideologie ci predicano (al di là dei popoli, delle razze, delle culture) e che sono il sostentamento quotidiano delle nostre scuole, nei nostri media, nella nostra cultura popolare, presso la nostre università e sulle nostre strade avere finito per ridurre la nostra identità biosimbolica e il nostro orgoglio etnico alla sua espressione minima.
L'Ebraismo, il Cristianesimo e l'Islam sono culti della morte originari del Medio Oriente e totalmente estranei all'Europa e ai suoi popoli.
A volte ci chiediamo perché la sinistra europea va così d’accordo con i musulmani. Perché un movimento spesso apertamente antireligioso si schiera con una religiosità feroce che sembra opporsi a quasi tutto ciò che la sinistra ha sempre affermato di difendere? Parte della spiegazione sta nel fatto che Islam e Marxismo hanno una radice ideologica comune: l’Ebraismo.
Don Rumsfeld aveva ragione quando diceva: "L'Europa si è spostata sul suo asse", è stata la parte sbagliata a vincere la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, e questo diventa ogni giorno più chiaro . . . Cosa ha fatto la NATO per difendere l’Europa? Assolutamente niente . . . I miei nemici non sono a Mosca, Damasco, Teheran, Riad o qualche etereo spauracchio teutonico, i miei nemici sono a Washington, Bruxelles e Tel Aviv.
Noi Nazionalsocialisti sono venuti per liberare Parigi, non l’abbiamo distrutta.
Thank you for hiding that kike's obscene jowl, btw. Some things shouldn't be seen.