How the Grift Right Gimps for the Left, pt. 5... Kosher Kvetching, Jukraine, Palestine...
What has NATO done to defend Europe or Europeans?
Absolutely nothing.
NATO is actually facilitating the invasion of Europe, and by their own stated objectives on their website; NATO is an organization dedicated to the total eradication of native European peoples and their cultures.
NATO - an anti-white and anti-family institution . . . See for yourself my English translation of the Swedish Nordfront article, the links are from NATO’s own website . . .
And now NATO wants white European men to leave their homes to go fight a war for the Jewish military junta in Ukraine and fight more Middle Eastern wars for Israel while our own countries are being invaded by racial foreigners?
“Looked at from this point of view the apparent insanity of our government's foreign policy is revealed as a piece of shrewd calculating logic, put into effect in order to promote the Jewish idea of a struggle for world-mastery.” ― Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
If the Israelis are “God’s chosen people,” as they say, then God will protect them and doesn’t need the United States to, but their Golden Calf has Grown up to be a hollow Bronze Bull . . . No amount of theft from the US Treasury by their bought and paid for Shabbos Goy politicians will save Ukraine or Israel, no matter who is president of the United States.
Old Hoover Bags . . . Victor Davis Hanson . . . commentator for The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, National Review, The Washington Times, and other media outlets, professor emeritus of classics at California State University, Fresno, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution . . .
The Hoover Institution has provided work for people who previously had important government jobs . . . Henry Kissinger, Newt Gingrich, James Mattis, and Condoleezza Rice, etc., it is another revolving door between for-profit corporate and ‘non-profit’ tax-exempt corporate boardrooms, and government agencies.
These ‘think tanks’ is where rhetorical tools are dreamed up for consumption by the brainwashed general public in the state-controlled media. I find it highly suspect that these mavens of supposed conservative thought who wax philosophically about the ‘virtues of capitalism’ and conservative ideals get their paychecks from government schools, the corporate welfare of the news media and defense industries . . . none of them really give a flying fuck about censorship, they only care about who has the power to do it.
The Free Press versus Darryl Cooper . . .
When Tucker Carlson and Darryl Cooper discussed the Second World War in September, Cooper named Winston Churchill as the “chief villain”, condemned the legacy of the war and attributed the present state of Britain to it. Pro-Churchill historians reacted: Niall Ferguson and Victor Davis Hanson (and the author and columnist Sohrab Amari) at Bari Weiss’ Free Press; Ferguson in conversation with Ben Shapiro; Andrew Roberts in a series of interviews; Ferguson, Hanson and Roberts together at the Hoover Institution.
The historians, though they regarded Cooper as unscholarly, stooped to respond due to the enormity of Carlson’s audience. The conversation’s view count on X is nearly 35 million. The wide interest and the reaction should both have been expected. The war, nearly eight decades past, continues to be the main justification for a political consensus of which most faux conservatives, including Roberts, Ferguson and Hanson, are adherents, and in which it is mandatory for Britons and other people of European descent to submit to being reduced to despised minorities in their ancestral lands. Advocacy for whites is likened to ‘Nazism’, which is the ultimate evil.
These organizations many times have a common cross section of members like James Mattis and Condoleezza Rice, who both belong to the Hoover Institution and the Atlantic Council . . . Like USAID, the Atlantic Council is another building block of Globohomo . . .
We are building on our strength in reflecting a global workforce to better reflect diversity across race, gender, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, and political views at all levels of the organization.
Our institution, guided by its internal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Council, is developing a comprehensive strategy to ensure that the values that underpin the organization’s mission are expressed through our recruitment, content, convenings, talent management, and board members and partners.
Project for a New American Century . . . a now defunct IRS 501c3 Tax-Exempt Corporation established in the spring of 1997 by Robert Kagan and William Kristol, two wannabe Jewish oligarchs seeking to forcefully impose some sort of unelected, “benevolent hegemony” of Zionism on the whole world. In other words, . . . Bolshevism.
Jewish Bolshevism Throughout the World . . .
“Peace is Bolshevism’s worst enemy, which it must destroy in order to realize its plans for world domination. Thus, Bolshevism’s ever-repeated life and death declarations of battle against the whole of the world become all too understandable . . .”
Neocons assert themselves around the idea of promoting a “muscled” democracy, advocating an “in boots” Wilsonianism . . . meaning open borders, outright violent suppression of dissident voices — and putting the sons and daughters of European descendants in combat units for their Jewish wars of oppression all over the Middle East.
British prime minister Kier Starmer, who is also married to an Israeli spy like Kamala Harris, sent some demoniac minions of the Labour party to campaign against the soon-to-be president-elect Trump . . . And very similar to the former California attorney general, Starmer became head of the Crown Prosecution Service, Britain’s very politically correct overseers of the law, under George W. Bush’s best buddy Tony Blair.
During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew Michael Levy and then the Jew Jonathan Mendelsohn (both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’ chief fund-raisers have been first the Jew Sir Mick Davis and then the Jew Sir Ehud Sheleg.
‘Identity politics’ is a cardinal sin (for you) to these people, unless you have their ‘visions of the anointed’ from the pre-approved, aforementioned types of quasi-private institutions, anything you say will be filtered out of the state-controlled media and replaced with their preferred nomenclatures which lead you away from the obvious truth . . . Ethnic nationalism is always bad (to them), unless it is Israel.
The security consultants at the Soufan Group are another small fraction of similar deep state operations permeating Western governments, who often drift in and out of the revolving door between for-profit corporate and ‘non-profit’ tax-exempt corporate boardrooms, government agencies, subverting elections, propping up puppet leaders all over the world, promoting socially subversive practices like transgenders and homosexuals . . . go to the link . . . Soufan Group . . . and read their bios . . . see for yourself . . . a lot of them are former FBI officials . . .
“My concern is that if the Russians come in … they continue to make the terrorism problem worse, not better, and then when they’re done extracting what they want to extract, they’re going to pack up and go home, and this place is going to look like a nightmare,” said Colin P. Clarke, director of research at the Soufan Group, a global intelligence/security consultancy.
Aggravated homosexuality in Uganda has a death penalty? Yes, it is because Uganda is an ethnic nationalist state . . .
Is it any wonder that the unwelcomed French and US military presences in Africa are being forced to leave? The U.S. withdrawal from Niger is part of a broader trend playing out across the region, where so-called “military regimes,” as they are conveniently labeled by Jewish-controlled media outlets, have ousted Western troops while welcoming in Russian forces that deep state hacks (commonly referred to as analysts) fear will fuel ‘spiraling insecurity’ in the region . . .
Among equipment unloaded in Niger by arriving Russian troops was an anti-aircraft battery, according to media reports. Since local militant groups pose no threat from the skies, this move was widely regarded as a shot across the bow of the continuous U.S. drone operations in the region.
Although Biden administration officials had repeatedly said they do not want to make the African leaders choose among competing powers, the move underscores how a plurality of players vying for influence in Africa, where both Russia and China are seeking to make inroads, complicates the colonial hegemony of the Zionists.
Notice how the Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky has suspended elections in Ukraine . . . if he wasn’t being protected by the British SAS and funded by the global Zionist banking cartels, he would have been dead months ago . . .
No country is running its own race in this invasion because it is a UN-led political agenda driven by the Jews and their puppets (politicians). Most people just don't know or understand that this is a political agenda. However, some manage to understand that politicians are deliberately working to import Muslims and replace people, but that's it, they are like a computer that can't work because the program doesn't allow it.
Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite . . .
“. . . the WEF isn’t alone in the interest of Ukraine. The globalist Atlantic Council, for example, recognized the potential for “innovation” shortly after Zelensky’s inauguration and mentioned an app that can operate door intercom systems by cell phone, as well as the blockchain company Bitfury. The Atlantic Council praised the developments as positive and mentioned a number of other IT companies in Ukraine. At a networking meeting, Schwab’s “young world leaders,” Justin Trudeau and Zelenski, discussed how to deepen such “innovations further.” Davos also has its own “Ukraine House,” which is regularly available for “networking” during WEF meetings.”
Two or three groups of assholes calling each other fascists and nazis would be a hysterically hilarious spectacle for a European national socialist, if it wasn’t for the idea that they all wish to draw generations of Europeans into a devastating worldwide military conflict, and the fact that they are all invasive, racially hostile foreign ideologies.
The evangelical, conservative, alt-right, erstwhile Christian nationalists, and RINOs who like to portray themselves as such, are just as clueless, myopic, and narcissistic in their pathetic postmortems of the American election as the retarded commie lib chameleons they claim to oppose . . .
Who bombed Orthodox Christian Serbs for the Muslims?
The Bolshevists thought they were going to have their very own October Revolution with Kamala Harris, who is married to an Israeli spy. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came running to the rescue when senile Joe Biden announced he was dropping out of the presidential race. In a speech before a joint session of Congress on July 25, 2024, Netanyahu stated:
“President Biden and I have known each other for over forty years. I want to thank him for half a century of friendship to Israel and for being, as he says, a proud Zionist.” ― Benjamin Netanyahu
And, as paisano (fellow countryman) Gerald Celente observed, they all clapped and barked like trained seals, Republicans and Democrats alike.
Palestinians are the same ethnic group as the Israelites, they behave in the same way, it's in their DNA . . . If the Palestinians had attacked Israeli military targets on 7 OCT 2023 and took their land back, which, I do agree was stolen from them, instead of squandering their opportunity with trivial sexual assaults on women, murdering children, petty theft, and vandalism, we might have a different outcome than what we have now . . .
Hamas was either totally incompetent and squandered their opportunity, or they were complicit; the six-hour delay in a response to the Oct. 7 attack by the Israeli government, on the surface, also shows incompetence . . . but it was the Israeli government who helped create Hamas as a buffer against the Palestinian Liberation Organization in the first place.
“HELL — Upon watching Hamas parade the bodies of murdered babies in celebration, Satan came away unsettled by the grotesque show of pure evil.
The Prince of Darkness, who took time away from torturing the damned to watch the procession, reportedly felt sick to his stomach.”
Gaslighting kikesuckers like Seth Dillon of the Babylon Bee and the grift-right Zionist ass-whore Paula Bolyard from PJ Media just cannot help themselves and make Candace Owens’ point for her . . .
The full of shit ADL (Anti-Defecation League) accused Owens of “vitriolic antisemitism,” and according to Zionist ass-whores at The Christian Post, Owens and The Daily Wire publicly parted ways supposedly because Owens had accused Israel of genocide for its response to Hamas' Oct. 7, 2023, terrorist attack.
“We're doing the exact same thing again with antisemitism, and it's so weird because you have people that are supposed to be brilliant who should work through that this isn't going to work socially,” said Owens.
Will France’s Tranny Granny start World War III?
I’m thinking the Owens video on France’s Tranny Granny Brigitte Macron, is what actually got her booted from The Daily Wire . . .
“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” “wokery,” etc., are deceptive nomenclatures employed for concealing the facts about the Jews and the Frankfurt School.
We are supposed to blindly accept parameters of dialogue and the provided terminologies such as stochastic terrorism, which I have seen used frequently. The word stochastic, in everyday language, means “random.” Terrorism, here, supposedly refers to “violence motivated by ideology,” or you guessed it, white men.
The anti-Nordic homosexual lobby is often described as being “Cultural Marxist”, but what is Cultural Marxism? Where did it come from, and what are its goals?
“The Frankfurt School adapted Karl Marx’s theories on revolution to include Freud’s theory of the subconscious. The Cultural Marxists’ main focus was to reshape the subconscious of Western (white) men and women and thus create new type of person: one who would react passively to provocations of all kinds.
Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.”
Whether it is Victor Davis Hanson or Sean Hannity in their masturbatory fever pitches about killing Russians, traitorous old war criminals like James Mattis and John Brennan, or the past actions of genocidal dead Jews such as Madeline Albright and Henry Kissinger, you can be sure none of them are really on your side, it matters not what college you went to . . . the insurmountable interest on your student loans make them a fortune.
Alex Jones’ Infowars has been a CIA Zionist operation from the beginning and gained popularity by releasing partial truths to get a controlled opposition to use for propaganda tools and a following of Trump supporters . . . Jones was supplied with a lot of truth by the CIA, it had allowed his channel to grow to a nearly mainstream level until the planned demolition would discredit future criticism of how the governments of the West operated and waged wars.
Conflicting views on any subject are key to completion of an agenda or a form of protection, this goes for everything we witness in the media or alternative media . . . In simple terms, it is safe to tell the truth and add a lie, as it gives others the power to discredit you. Channels like Infowars were providing the propaganda for this clash.
Antifa was making waves in America, they, together with the SJW culture and the mainstream media fighting with the “alt right” and Trump supporters was supposed to bring in new gun and protest laws. This was Antifa’s task in America and the combatants on both sides do not understand it, they are just busy playing their part by eating up the bullshit they have been fed.
Antifa was partially successful in Europe by bashing and scaring the common person from protesting against illegal immigration, because the only people who protested were portrayed as nationalistic soccer hooligans with shaved heads, it was psychological and economic warfare . . . Governments in Europe have to take in a quota of refugees otherwise they are fined by the EUSSR.
This is the Kalergi Plan in action and to make matters worse, governments must take more loans to provide for the refugees which means more debt slavery . . . Take into account Antifa was funded by George Soros who also funded organizations that helped refugees enter Europe by providing maps and information on closed borders, and what to say to immigration police.
Notice how Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky suspended elections in Ukraine . . . If he wasn’t being protected by the British SAS and funded by the global Zionist banking cartels, Zelensky would have been dead months ago, and like his best buddy Netanyahu, he couldn’t wait to insert himself into the American election, joining the Jewish filth Josh Shapiro, governor of Pennsylvania, actually putting their signatures on US made bombs . . .
2011 freaky ‘suicide’ of young woman is now haunting Dem Governor Josh Shapiro…
Tonight on the Hill – Over ten years ago, Ellen Greenberg's death was ruled a suicide after her body was found riddled with stab wounds. Now, her cause of death is being reexamined. NewsNation's @BrianEntin presses Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro on the controversial suicide…
— Blake Burman (@BlakeBurman) February 7, 2025
Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .
❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”
This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”
That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞
Ukrainian Whistleblower: ‘How the SBU Robbed and Killed a U.S. Citizen’
February 19, 2025 By NEWS WIRE
One of Ukraine’s most important whistleblowers, former Parliamentarian and People’s Deputy, Oleksandr Dubinsky, currently imprisoned by President Zelensky, has released a stunning video testimony this week – which exposes an egregious crime committed by his country’s Secret Service (SBU) against a U.S. citizen who was residing in Ukraine.
Presently, Dubinsky is being held in a secure facility where his is currently awaiting trial, after the state after a criminal case had been initiated against him for the crime of high treason.
In his video below, Dubinsky reveals more crucial details about the death of Gonzalo Lira, a popular American video blogger and independent journalist, who reportedly died under unusual circumstanced while held in custody for criticizing the Zelensky government’s performance in the war, as well as criticism of Kiev regime’s repression of religious freedom in Ukraine.
The following is an English translation of Dubinsky’s recent video, interspersed with statements made by Vasily Nebenzya, the current Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations:
Dubinsky: Friends, hello, everyone. I am glad to see and hear you all. Another important statement that came from the representative of the aggressor State, the representative of the Russian Federation in the UN Security Council, Nebenzya. This is a statement that a US citizen, Gonzalo Lira, died in the SBU concentration camps, in the so-called ‘torture and secret prisons.’
Nebenzya: And listen to what the escaped deputy of the Rada (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine) Artem Dmytruk told. How he was tortured by SBU officers in 2022, trying to extract testimony and confession of treason. The main claim against him was that he spoke in defense of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). Here are excerpts from his gruesome account published on the internet. I quote: “I was thrown on the cold and wet floor, somewhere nearby I heard the screams and groans of my friends. A little further away were the screams and groans of other people and the horrible sounds of torture. They were beating me terribly, trying to gouge out my eyes. I lost consciousness several times and fell from the chair, came to my senses and was tortured again.” End quote. He was threatened to be shot or disabled. After that he was transported to the gym of the Odessa SBU office, where he was forced to say loudly and clearly on camera that he would never again criticize Vladimir Zelensky and the head of his office, Andrei Yermak. In addition, he was forced to be an SBU agent to fight the opposition to Zelensky. Dmytruk is not the only politician who stated about the existence of SBU concentration camps in Kiev. Another Rada deputy, Oleksandr Dubynskyy, in particular, previously reported about the existence of such camps in Kiev. He claims that more than 300 people were tortured through it in order to extract testimony against now-elected US President Donald Trump for use in the electoral struggle in the United States. Interesting confessions, aren’t they? From them you can get an impression of what the American journalist Gonzalo Lira, arrested in August 2023, tortured to death and died in the SBU walls on January 12, 2024, had to go through. And what 70-year-old human rights activist Olena Berezhnaya, who was sentenced to 14 years in prison a month ago after months of torture in SBU custody, who was never broken by the Zelensky clique, had to face because she went to the United Nations and spoke out about human rights violations by the Kiev regime.
Dubinsky: This is also a confirmed fact. This is not the Russian IPSO, and of course, on the one hand, I am not happy that my investigations are being exploited by Russia Today. But if the Ukrainian government allowed the creation of torture secret prisons and concentration camps where Ukrainian citizens were being killed, broken and destroyed, and where US citizens were also destroyed there – then it doesn’t matter who is talking about it, as long as it is a fact confirmed by the reports of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Ukrainian register of court decisions – which today contains dozens of decisions on the case of Gonzalo Lira, an American citizen who was detained under the same article, by the way, that was presented today to blogger Max Nazarov – “Glorification of the Russian invasion of Ukraine”. Under this article, he was detained in Kharkiv, brought to Kyiv, then held in the SBU concentration camp “Gym,” then returned to Kharkiv, placed there in the SBU detention center, and then from the SBU detention center he was transferred to the Kharkiv detention center, in the so-called “Common Fund” detention center.
In this Kharkiv detention center, US citizen Gonzalo Lira was tortured and money extorted from him. According to publications in his social networks and private correspondence, which I have at my disposal, Gonzalo Lira says that he was extorted for $70,000 dollars and gave it to the SBU officers of Kharkiv region, who opened a criminal case against him and kept him in the detention center. And they extorted money from him by means of abuse and torture, which were carried out on him in the Kharkiv detention center. These correspondence of Gonzalo Lira indicates that they beat him there, broke his ribs, tried to pull out his eye with a toothpick. This is how a U.S. citizen was treated in the 21st century in the center of Europe, in European Ukraine. Think about how stupid they are. I mean, people realized they were dealing with an American citizen, but they didn’t care. They tortured him, killed him, beat him to death, gouged out his eyes – so that he would just give them the money. Impunity and stupidity, under the guise of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). Gonzalo Lira ended up with a broken rib. He suffered a so-called pneumothorax as a result of this fracture. This is when bone fragments after broken ribs as a result of beating or trauma, which pierced the lung. Water begins to accumulate there, and the person dies. So, in the Ukrainian Register of Court Decisions there is a decision of the Dzerzhinsky District Court of Kharkiv, in which Gonzalo Lira is present via video link, and he already has bilateral inflammation of the lungs at that time, which is January 2024. His lawyer demands to transfer him under house arrest, because the man was really dying, but at the same time the prosecutor’s office, representatives of the SBU, judges and most importantly – the medical part of Kharkiv pre-trial detention center – claimed there was nothing threatening the life of Gonzalo Lira. And he literally in a few weeks dies in Kharkiv pre-trial detention center from pulmonary hydrocele, which was caused by broken ribs that punctured his lungs. It is obvious that he was not released from the Kharkiv SIZO after the beatings for three reasons. One: he would have clearly stated that he was seriously injured. And I emphasize again – I have his correspondence and statements, where he clearly describes what torture was, and how he was tortured in the Kharkiv detention center. The second reason is that he would have reported extortion by officers of the Security Service of Ukraine, and I also have these documents. And, finally, the third reason – if he was released with such fractures and such injuries, it would be obvious to everyone that he was tortured, and information would come out about the SBU concentration camp “Gym”, where foreign citizens were kept, and about the SBU torture in Kharkiv. And most importantly, the administration of outgoing President Biden, represented by Secretary of State Blinken and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink, actually gave the go-ahead for an American citizen to be killed in a Ukrainian prison. Why did it give the go-ahead for this? Because Gonzalo Lira in his videos criticized not only the Ukrainian leadership, but criticized Americans as well, calling them out as responsible for unleashing the war in Ukraine. That’s what he was essentially killed for.
I recorded a lengthy video for you from the Kiev Court of Appeals, where they read excerpts from Gonzalo Lira’s reports about the torture that was carried out on him. Just watch this video so that you understand what Malyuk’s and Bakanov’s employees, SBU employees, were doing, how they were torturing Ukrainian and American citizens just to extort money from them. And then, after getting $70,000 dollars from Gonzalo Lira, they killed him to cover up their crimes.
Dubinsky’s speech in the Kyiv Court of Appeal
“An American citizen and blogger, Gonzalo Lopez Lira, was tortured in this concentration camp, the ‘Gym’. He got into this concentration camp, was held there (I have testimony that shows the stay of an American citizen Gonzalo Lopez Lira in the “Gym” concentration camp), and then was killed in the Kharkiv detention center. No one investigated this issue, because, of course, US and Ukrainian officials were not interested in the fact that a US citizen could be tortured to death in a European, democratic Ukraine. But we have the relevant documents personally from Gonzalo Lopez Lira, written by him. They are written in English. I will pass them on and hope that our esteemed judges on the appellate level know English and will read them. What do these messages from Gonzalo Lopez Lira say? They say that he was detained after being repeatedly beaten and after being released from the concentration camp (and he made further recordings), he was detained again by the Security Service of Ukraine, charged with glorification of Russian armed aggression and, since he is registered in Kharkiv, sent to the Kharkiv pre-trial detention center. According to reports personally from an American citizen, which I will also pass on to you for your assessment, Gonzalo Lopez Lira has been in the so-called “pressure cell” 4 times. During this time, his ribs were broken, and in order to get money from him, because I’m speaking not only about beatings, but also about extortion of money, they tried to gouge out his eye with a toothpick. He describes the process: how his head is clamped between someone’s knees, and they try to gouge out his eye with a toothpick in order to get him to pay money. Gonzalo Lopez Lira pays representatives of the SBU and the Kharkiv detention center $70,000, as it is also stated here, to stop the abuse. And to give him the opportunity to get out of the detention center on bail. After that, the Dzerzhynskyi District Court of Kharkiv decided to set bail for Gonzalo Lopez Lira in the amount of $11,000. He tries to leave Ukraine, is grabbed again, thrown into the detention center, beaten again, and suffers a pneumothorax. This is a lung injury due to a broken rib that pierces the lung tissue, bilateral pneumonia, edema, and he dies. There is a decision of the Dzerzhinsky District Court of Kharkiv, which clearly states that he is in critical condition, but the staff of the Health Care Organization of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine assure that Gonzalo Lopez Lira is not in danger. He is not provided with a lawyer, he has a free Ukrainian lawyer who does not even speak English. Then, two weeks after the hearing, he dies in the Kharkiv pre-trial detention center from pneumothorax and bilateral pneumonia. In order to cover up the crimes against the US citizen, extortion of money from him and infliction of bodily harm, including in the SBU concentration camp. This is just an illustration of how criminal cases are fabricated in modern Ukraine under such a convenient article as “high treason”. And how judges participate in this fabrication in order to keep people who interfere or threaten the regime under control.”
“I have everything, I am providing you with the relevant materials. Make a decision, give another assessment that all this does not exist.”
Watch Oleksandr Dubinsky’s video here (enable subtitles for English translation):
There are two kinds of people. They with grand direct deposits from the Fed and IMF. And the rest of us. They take every side of every argument and pollute discourse to the point of absurdity. We shouldn’t ever engage with them. We gain strength when we talk among ourselves and strike them down when we are able to.