Alexander Dugin is a typical Christian liar like his counterparts in the West, the evangelical, conservative, alt-right, erstwhile Christian nationalists, and RINOs who like to portray themselves as such, are just as clueless, myopic, and narcissistic in their pathetic postmortems of the American election as the retarded commie lib chameleons they claim to oppose.
Two or three groups of assholes calling each other fascists and nazis would be a hysterically hilarious spectacle for a European national socialist, if it wasn’t for the idea that they all wish to draw generations of Europeans into a devastating worldwide military conflict, and the fact that they are all invasive, racially hostile foreign ideologies.
History, in Russia, elsewhere in Europe, Africa and Asia, does not begin with the Jews and their invasive, racially hostile ideological weapon of Christianity and consequently, traditional values aren’t really Christian anywhere in Asia, Africa, or Europe; they are pagan.
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are death cults originating in the Middle East and totally alien to Europeans, Africans, Asians, and their peoples.
Monogamy is an unnatural order created by Zionist churchmen to attach vicarious liabilities in the secular law, to control monarchial successions, as well as to establish ecclesiastic control over white female procreativity and individual white male posterity . . .
All men are born of a woman, married or not.
Olga, the Viking Queen of the Rus . . .
“An interesting historical point about their married life: they were monogamous. This wasn’t all that common in early Rus, when princes were allowed many wives. But it was a testament to the strength of their bond and their humaneness in general.
Her Varengian name was Helga, and the Slavic version (Olga) is the feminized version of “Oleg,” which means “holy.” Though the pagan understanding of holiness is completely different from the Christian one, it still does assume a special spiritual disposition, chastity and sobriety, intelligence and even prescience. Not surprisingly, the people came to call Oleg a “Farseer,” while they came to call Olga “the Wise.”
The Philosopher Alexander Dugin on the liberal fascination with fascism is an ill-prepared, astoundingly vacuous video devoid of facts, providing the excellent example of sophistry, narcissism and deception that has ruined Europe with two world wars, the Dark Ages, and wars of religion . . . You will never get the truth from a Jew or a Christian . . .
“. . . given the overwhelmingly Jewish composition of the top leadership during much of the period, it is hardly surprising that “anti-Semitism” was deemed a capital offense.” ― Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Holocaust is from the Greek holos “whole” is where we get holistic and hologram, and kaustos, “burnt,” . . . Holodomor is from golod in Slavic, meaning “hunger” or “famine,” and mor, meaning “plague, pestilence, killing, extermination” from morit’ meaning to kill or exterminate, originally from the Proto-Indo-European root *mer-, “to die” whence we also get Latin morior and its descendants such as French mort and English murder, the similarity to “Holocaust” is why Holodomor is not written Golodomor in English . . . It helps to draw attention, making any opposition anti-scum-itic . . . As usual.
Volodymyr Lenin established a Jewish regime that slaughtered well over 66 million ethnic Europeans . . . as the leader of the newly formed Soviet Union, while waving banners and promoting the power of communist ideals, Lenin realized that in the post-war devastation, his army needed to be fed. Ukraine with all its fertile lands and well-developed farming was destined to become the source of food for his Soviet Red Army . . . In the 1920s, even with their miracles of communism, Soviet Russia witnessed great shortages of food.
These Holodomor genocides alone resulted in a death toll of 16.5 million, the kidnappings, torture and cannibalism taking place under the Jewish Bolshevik regime were orchestrated by Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, Jewish chief of the NKVD secret police.
The Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks, it is time to face the facts. Their Zionist bedfellows on Wall Street want Ukraine for GMO grain crops . . . Monsanto (now Bayer), Genentech, ADM, etc., are all buying land with the help of the Jews at the IMF by giving the Ukrainian “Dill” idiots debt relief . . . Robert Kennedy Jr. explains a lot of it in 3 minutes . . .
The whole Ukraine goes for sale - massive profit opportunities being created by the war . . . July 17, 2023
. . . a 2001 moratorium on the sale of land to foreigners had always represented an obstacle to unrestrained privatisation. As post-Maidan governments turned again to the IMF for financing, aid was conditioned on a series of land reforms that would finally allow foreign corporations to acquire vast tracts of the country’s farmland. In 2020, Zelenskyy gave in to the IMF’s demands and finally repealed the moratorium.
“Agribusiness interests and oligarchs will be the primary beneficiaries of such reform,” said Olena Borodina of the Ukrainian Rural Development Network. “This will only further marginalise smallholder farmers and risks severing them from their most valuable resource.” But the World Bank could barely contain its excitement, gushing: “This is, without exaggeration, a historic event.” Even though the new law isn’t set to come into force until next year, US and Western European agrobusinesses have already bought up millions of hectares of Ukraine’s farmland — with 10 private companies reportedly controlling most of it.
Lavrentiy Beria also headed the Soviet atomic bomb project and created a special department within the NKVD called “Department S” to consolidate ongoing atomic research and development efforts. Beria’s double role granted him access to intelligence on the Manhattan Project collected from Jewish spies such as Harry Gold, Julius Rosenberg, and Ethel Rosenberg.
Communism is a Jewish ideology from London, as Karl Marx spent most of his life there under his father’s assumed surname, Marx descended from a paternal and maternal lineage of rabbinical families . . . Vladimir Lenin’s birth name was Volodymyr Ilyich Ulyanov, Leon Trotsky was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein, and Josef Stalin was born Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili . . . and Dzhugashvili means “son of a Jew” in Yiddish . . .
When Alexander Dugin and his daughter, Darya, civilians, were deliberately targeted with a car bomb by the Jewish terrorist regime in Ukraine, headed by Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky; we were supposed to believe Ukraine is a democratic country, whose popular president was elected, in a free and fair election, and Ukraine was completely justified committing terrorist attacks targeting Russian civilians because Russians have been deemed to be fascist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, antisemitic, holocaust deniers by Jewish terrorists and the kike-sucking Zionist ass-whores of the North Atlantic Transgender Organization.
Heinrich Himmler on How Bolshevik Christianity Spreads Homosexuality and Hatred of Women.
(Darya Dugina’s alleged assassin Natalya Vovk, has a surname which can be Jewish in some Western Ashkenazic communities.)
Ukraine's ambassador to the Vatican, Andrei Yurash criticized Pope Francis for describing Daria Dugina as an innocent victim: “How is it possible to mention any of the ideologues of imperialism as an innocent victim?”
Why say anything? How many divisions does the Pope have?
Russian blogger Vladlen Tatarsky was also killed by a bomb blast in a St. Petersburg cafe, for being a suspected idealogue of imperialism, which the Jewish terrorist regime in Kyiv also denies.
According to the ‘Festivus Report of 2024’ report by Senator Rand Paul, a member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the State Department spent $4,840,082 on influencers to promote pro-Ukraine, anti-Russian talking points on social media. They additionally paid $15,220 on an “influencers event” and another $22,231 on a “USAID Social Media Influencers Campaign.”
After the Crocus City Hall music venue bombing, imperialist U.S. National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson, said in a totally inane statement that, “ISIS bears sole responsibility for this attack. There was no Ukrainian involvement whatsoever.”
Why say anything? Was it Al C.i.a.eda, Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, or maybe the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization?
The four men accused of the deadly terror attack were quickly identified by Russian authorities as being from Tajikistan, a former Soviet republic in Central Asia.
Israeli operative Volodymyr Zelensky suspended elections in Ukraine, if he wasn’t being protected by the British SAS and funded by the global Zionist banking cartels, he would have been dead months ago. Not only did Israelite Zelensky cancel elections, but he also banned opposition parties and closed Orthodox churches . . .
Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . .
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. . . .
For the most part, Muslims are only doing what the Israelites have taught them for the last 3000 years . . . it is in their scriptures . . .
"You shall put all of the males to the sword. You may, however, take as your booty the women, the children and the livestock, and everything in the town – all of its spoil – and enjoy the use of the spoil of your enemy which the Lord gives unto you." — Deuteronomy 20:13
Blazing up the fire, burn my sacred sins in rain My beloved desires, die out and lost in pain Wealth dreams and pyres disappeared in foggy day Marbled old Messiahs betrayed me hard and loudly I pray
Yesterday, an old woman with all her possessions in a cart came up to me and asked for $60. She said that they relocated us. After thinking about it a while, I realized that she was probably Native American, the “us” she spoke of were the Cherokee. And the “they” she spoke of were the Kazarian psychopaths. The trail of tears has not ended. Jews have done their worst to America. Together we can burn them all to ashes and crush them to dust.